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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 244
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anyone else getting cloudflare origin unreachable and timeout errors?
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Fucking finally It only took them a whole week
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WE ARE BACK BOYS Thanks to whoever fixed it I was having withdrawal pains (and I wanted people to discuss DaS3 with)
Am I the only one getting the wrong flag on /pol/? I got the american flag even though I am brazillian. Better than being unable to post.
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>>516925 Not just you, I just tested it on /sp/ and apparently I'm an American now.
>at least it's not the Australian flag.
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>ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff going on in your homeboard. >ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff going on in your homeboard. Post your 4chan happenings
Previous Thread
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>>517796 My nigga, Thank you.
I'm about to go full weeb, wish me luck.
Man Utd have spent money in the last 2 years than Leicester have in their 132 year history
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>>517842 spent more money*
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>>518358 >>518358 >>518358 Y'ALL NIGGERS NEED NEW THREAD
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Hey Mods/Hiro. I just wanted to let you know that there's a small group of Quest posters who are angry about /qst/ and are trying to force quests to stay on /tg/ even though we don't want them.
Check it out:
>>>/tg/46971589 >>>/tg/46971763 >Don't you're fine >stay >>>/tg/46971811 >Stay here, you have players HERE. There is no reason to use the new board. >>>/qst/5835 >That said, I certainly won't be running Ryukuza on /qst/. Barring the curse or random organ failure, Ryukuza will continue on. >>>/qst/4113 >The real solution is a boycott and a refusal to use /qst/ until it becomes clear that this isn't working. Highly encourage that, in fact. and there's a bunch more in
>>>/qst/5 You guys really need to enforce some moderation on /tg/. When you made /aco/ you banned people left and right without regard to criticism, and yet now that there's a change being made that's been asked for for years you're letting them get away with murder.
Please save /tg/ guys. Do what should have been done years ago and clean up the mess of Quest threads on /tg/.
>>521099 >Citation needed Mods haven't done shit. They haven't even cleaned up /qst/ yet.
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>>521189 Have you tried looking at /tg/?
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>>521220 This
Getting kinda desperate there, shills. I know two or three threads still piss you the fuck off for no reason, but try not to look so autistic next time.
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Looks like mods have finally started deleting quest threads off /tg/ and banning the posters. I think the worst is over.
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So when will /vg/ janitors be fired for being massive faggots?>letting bait and stupid shitposting stay >as soon as someone posts a somewhat lengthy text related to the game, you can be sure it will disappear the next time you check the thread It's been going on since fucking January. When will this madness stop?
>>478125 Mods have said TFH was to be considered GR15 content and should only be discussed on /mlp/, until someone else says otherwise you gotta deal with it. Filter or hide the thread.
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No one is really going to care about your ponyshit game, in fact, most people will freak out and sabotage the thread if they saw it in /vg/.
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>>478298 Yes, but "Mods said this" doesn't make it a less absurd/stupid decision, the Pokemons are not Digimons
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>>460649 That has the same chances Nepnoway has to happen
What kind of studying should I do for the Family Video aptitude test?
>>491838 are you from burlington anon?
>>491838 >Family Video I had never heard of this before so I googled it
>In addition to the brick and mortar store front, Family Video has branched off into other markets such as real estate, 24-hour fitness centers, and cable television.[6] The company also sells new and previously used items online.[7] Family Video expanded into the Canadian market in 2012.[8] >In 2013, following the continued decline of competing video rental stores, Family Video formed a partnership with Marco's Pizza providing space for the franchise in many of its stores. The company is using the partnership as a way to deliver video rentals with pizza orders. Family Video also leases space to other retailers such as hair salons and fitness centers.[9][10] Unlike much of its competition, Family Video owns the real estate housing their stores, helping them to avoid unsuccessful lease negotiations that led to the demise of Blockbuster and Hollywood Video.[11] In addition, it owns a fiber-optic network in the Central Illinois region, called iTV-3,[12] as well as a small chain of fitness centers named StayFit-24. ...
>Family Video has a real estate arm called Legacy Pro. As Family Video stores have shrunk from 7,000 square feet to 5,000, the company has started leasing space to other retailers. Family Video has incorporated a tech repair business, called Digital Doc, into many of its stores. It also owns 125 Marco's Pizza locations, many of which are part of Family Video stores. >"We've also built some strip centers," Hoogland said. "If you go to our stores, you'll see (businesses) next to us." How insidious.
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>>491920 That's honestly really smart of them to do that though and the fact they care about having such competent employees is smart on their part. I mean, it's a little creepy what they are doing, but that's kinda just how the business world goes. I nearly got free candy every day around 2006 at blockbuster so I saw them going out of business before it really happened. It was fun while it lasted though. It almost seems like they wanted to go out of business with their poor planning.
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What are the word's to be spelled correctly?
ITT request words that need to be autofiltered or words that should cause an autoban when posted. The condition is that those words were invented by users and cause only shitstorms when they are used. Autoban: sc/u/m nepnoway nepnowayfag nepnowayfaggot Word filter: ____ --> cuddle noway ---> nowa nowayfag ---> nowafag Contribute with what you got.
Just cuck and it's variants. Only teenagers spam it, anyways.
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For /mu/:>Avant-teen >Poser/poseur/posercore/poseurcore >Mallgoth >Fedoracore Nothing good comes out of posts with those words. They, without fail, throw threads into debates about whether [relatively obscure artist] is [derivative of the term pseudo-intellectual].
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>>480364 Teenagers shouldn't be here in the first place.
Henrietta Lindsey
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>>476395 >>476891 >>468392 HAHAHAH, cry me a river del/u/sional yurishitter
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Okay, maybe my absence of not having internet for a while is the reason why I don't quite get it, but what the absolute fuck happened to /pol/ and by extension, the rest of 4chan? It's like everything just became about memeing as hard as you fucking can, being as ironic as you can, posting as many frogs as you can and otherwise acting like a general obnoxious faggot. Can somebody please explain to me why 4chan's userbase seems to be replaced by total cunts, and why our useless moderators aren't shutting them down like they should be, instead letting these shit threads reach hundreds of posts before lancing the boil at their outset? Pic very God damn related.
>>490312 Wow sorry you got so #triggered, but it's funposting okay maybe you just don't GET it
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>>490726 time nubs & end numbers the same get
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>>490043 That's nice but you're still wrong and all you have is insults.
Now fuck off back to IRC.
>>490394 Because they are.
4chan is for anons and these manchildren will never be anons. It is a fundamental generational gap. They are like Somalia immigrants claiming to be Swedish.
Coming in huge numbers uninvited doesn't mean you can shit up a place for a few years then be accepted as a native.
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>>490748 >Because they are. In what sense?
They *do* post here.
>4chan is for anons and these manchildren will never be anons. They are posting anonymously therefore they are anons. Perhaps you meant to say something else?
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What the fuck is up with the janitor deleting anthro-requests/images in the /co/ drawthread, when anthro caoon characters are a large part of /co/'s history. And while we're talking about stupid shit. I haven't been to /d/ in years, but who the fuck thought it was a good idea to put up a rule banning western art, not to mention subjects that /d/ was made for in the first place?
>>494585 >personally didn't enjoy Really? Now you're putting words in their mouths? Maybe every board is /b/ after all.
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>>494587 The pictures in question didn't break any board rules and they're maintaining silence on the matter so they only conclusion is that they don't enjoy the pictures. If you have a better idea of what it could have been, you can offer it.
Mods have always been deleting SFW anthro stuff and citing Rule 3 as the reason. What is and isn't "furry" seems to depend on the mood of the janitor that stumbles upon the image.
>>494593 It's mostly characters who are not at all furry. You need to check this shit out before you post what everyone here is already well aware of. And not just so you don't clutter the thread with the same shit that's been posted several times already, but so that you yourself can see just what the situation is, because it is pretty fucking incredible and a sight well worth seeing.
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>>494607 I'm fine with people repeating what's been said if they're a new unique poster because it lets others see how many are aware that this is a problem.
Why is this dumb powertripping cunt still a mod here? He looks like the ARE YOU SERIOUS liberal faggot from Chicago.
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>>469164 So you're saying you want Hiro to fire him simply because he vaguely looks like a liberal to you?
So if he was wearing a Trump shirt then this thread wouldn't be here, right?
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>>469164 >liberal faggot >he thinks this is some kind of insult with merit? >what the fuck happened to 4chan... Anonymous
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>>469164 He looks like a nu-male.
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>>469164 >>469178 Because of you., pathetic cunt. But I guess you love sucking ACK's cock so much.
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Pacha Girls edition
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>>462742 >/e/ >NSFW It's like you've never been to the board
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>>462702 Huh?! /mlp/ is a chubby. And her horn is... permanently fixed there. Something about super glue and being autistic.
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>>462711 it's her left arm wrapped around her back