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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 245

Eternal ban evasion

No.129300 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the exact penalty for ban evasion? 30 Days? Or is it permanent?

Assuming its 30 days, whats to stop a mod from saying at the end of those 30 days "Eh.. he probably ban evaded again anyways" and doing it again? If it keeps happening to someone in the same thread, over non-rule breaking posts, it becomes a case of shitlisting someone from a board or subject rather than fair rule enforcement.

I understand its troubling for the mods to keep up when everyone has a dynamic IP, in many cases they can be mistaken identity, and few people take bans seriously, etc, but it seems extremely easy for a mod to single out and remove individuals with a permaban for trivial reasons if they just abuse ban evader penalties. Most of us have seen those leaked logs so we know fair enforcement is already out of the window, you can be banned for simply being on the wrong side of a waifu argument or hating the wrong thing. Ban evasion seems like something should be reserved for extreme troublemakers... ie people who do nothing but make disruptive threads or posts, people who post CP or encourage epic raiding, etc.
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I'm at a loss.

No.414800 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I got mistakenly IP range blocked this morning from my homeboard and the FAQ saud I had to buy a pass but I decided to go ask on rizon for help. They told me to buy a pass and then when U offered to show the mod my IP address to see if he/she could help I got booted from the channel and was banned.
Is there really no other way around this?
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No.398468 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I will be spokesman for /b/
I get that no one on /qa/ likes /b/
but we can't be ignored
Mook, a lot of the /b/ros want ID's back to stop samefaggotory.
Can we habe ID's back pls?
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ITT : Post epic gets and bait

No.397050 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is pic related the most epic post a long time?
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Front page ad service associated with malware

No.343297 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The new ad on the front page is ran through ecmprocks which is associated with malware according to

Googling for "ecmprocks" gives you a list of similar results implying that ecmprocks is an advertising network used by malware authors to earn money and spread their malware.

> is distinguished as a potentially unwanted advertising platform that came out recently for unknown purpose. It has been reported that is a malicious one that may cause unauthorized redirections on browsers

The ad on the front page appears to function by using Javascript to build a script tag that loads in Javascript from ecmprocks, which is a common tactic used by sketchy ad networks to allow them and their clients to run Javascript on the site displaying the ad. This allows for malware distributors to use Javascript within the ad to spread malware, and so using this type of ad network puts 4chan users at risk.

Non-invasive ads should never run Javascript from a third-party. Note that the existing advertising system 4chan has properly uses the 4chan owned "" to handle loading the ads and never loads Javascript from the ad clients.

Prior to this front page ad, ad networks were not used on 4chan. In fact, they were basically told to fuck off and not even contact 4chan.
>Note: We do not work with ad networks. If you represent a network, please do not e-mail us, as we will not respond to your inquiry.

Please severe connections with ecmprocks advertising and use the existing 4chan ad system to load ads on the front page for the security of the users.
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Mods vs Users: A War That Has To End

No.378314 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Its clear now to everyone on here and on most other boards like /d/, /aco/, /v/, and /tv/ that the boiling point between mods and users has now been reached. Except for boards like /a/ and /jp/, the mods have been acting like complete nazi's, banning people who dare to criticize them on any other board besides /qa/, leaving up shitposts for hours without deleting them, leaving up off topic threads without deleting them, and simply not caring at all about the board they're supposed to take of. IRC logs that were leaked earlier this year showed that the mods hate the user base on this site, except for /a/ because the mods seem to legit care about /a/. But other boards such as /d/ have become draconian in nature. Its slowly dying because the mod on /d/ deletes and bans anything he doesn't personally like.

However the users are also at fault here. No one reports shitposting it seems, save for /a/. We have an invasion of people flooding /v/, mostly from Reddit, Neogaf, Facebook, and Tumblr, who are now starting to spill into other boards like /mu/. /v/ is literally ground zero for the infestation now, and nothing has been done to stop it. The users vile attitude towards the mods, while at times justified, is not helping matters either, as this make the mods more and more angry with the user base. One could also say that telling people to go back to Reddit is another cause of issues, as is telling people to "ignore" the shitposts instead of reporting them like they should be doing since the beginning.
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No.381750 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Crack-kun and ACK(Anti-Crack-kun) are the same person? What are definitions of their names? Who are they fighting against?
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No.370632 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Please tell me your thoughts about the three questions

1,What do you think about ACK(Anti-Crack Kun)? Why do you guys call him ACK? Do you believe what he says? I think he is not even ACK. He is just a ban-evader and a shitposter. We should give him a new nickname. What's it?

2,Why don't you guys fight against him? Did you surrender to him? I can't understand some tripfags like cowards in /a/. Why do they blame fighters for fighting against him? If tripfags just have reasons they don't want off-topics and hate to wander away from the subject, they are satisfied the existing state of affairs in spite of ACK's shitpostings? Thought ACK already devastated the thread. Can't the tripfags tell right from wrong?

3,Why are the tripfags so cancerous? They are worse than ACK, because they are so cooperative with ACK and accuse good persons of messing up the thread. Don't you think the tripfags are part of ACK? Besides, why do they swarm around like insects drawn to light? In the worst case, they even bring a bond irl to /a/ and make a boast of it to a solitary person.
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No.362590 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Anyone have redirect to one of those bullshit flash update sites every so often? Happened a few times this week (out of the near 100 times i type in url bar and hit enter)

Next time it happens i'll screenshot and post URL. Normally i'd 100% think this is on my end, but it happened on two seperate machines. One running windows 7 and the other OS X. Only happened once or twice on the windows machine.

This only seems to happen with 4chan's address. I'm pretty anal about what processes are running, don't download bullshit plugins, monitor launch daemons/agents ect.
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The /aco/ debacle

No.352385 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Current status is:
>Mods have confirmed that /d/ content is to be posted on /aco/ (it was their idea)
>Eastern content has been removed from /d/ for not being eastern enough or not being an eastern fetish, regardless of art style
>Old mod posts and mod actions for the last couple of years proves that western was allowed on /d/ before /aco/ was created
>all signs point to similar mod fuckery that screwed /tg/
>/co/ anthro content being banned here on /aco/ for violating Global rule 3
>/y/ being overzealously modded in a similar fashion to /d/, /u/ continues to post western without bans
>Mods on /aco/ have now begun to officially delete any discussion thread on /aco/ and ban anyone making the threads as well
>complete radio silence beyond a single modpost

Please remember to keep things as civil as possible, even though now things are just getting even worse
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