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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 246

4chan happenings thread

No.374285 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What's happening? Tell us about events on your board.
376 posts and 43 images omitted

No.314830 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hiro, are you here? Can we get a board for Japanese games only please? /v/ is really bad these days because of Westkeks who love casual dudebro garbage, "cinematic experiences" and e-celeb cancer. Another split would benefit us a lot and cut down the shitposting to a minimum.
890 posts and 109 images omitted

dear hiroyuki nishimura

No.182458 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
i think it's time 4chan has a mascot. we need a meme that show's everyone that the 4chan community has strength, loyalty, and faith.

i request that we have yallo baale as our mascot.
does anyone else have a mascot request?
89 posts and 32 images omitted

No.364446 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why was this thread deleted? Just because it hurts your personal feelings doesn't make it a non-news. Hiro, get better mods. These redditor mods are here to kill this website.
7 posts and 1 image omitted

/int/ needs new mods and janitors or better regulation

No.361215 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are janitors on /int/ deleting engaging threads that actually foster the community there while leaving porn threads up?

I make a thread asking if people are sad or happy in there country and gave them advice on there situations and some how this warrants a ban.

But generals that offer no content but spamming "1st for balt' "second for anime" where no one is even engaging with one another is deemed acceptable.

The mods there are also notorious for leaving porn threads up for hours. Something really needs to change.
33 posts and 2 images omitted

No.331975 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Did 4chan really get worse or did people just grow up?
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No.333804 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Come on Hiro, you've been pretty based so far.

We've been begging for a nsfw loli board for ages, loli threads pop up on /a/ daily and derail /v/ threads constantly. Sure we can post it on /b/, but there's just so damn many of us that we could fill our own board if we wanted to.

Hell, I wouldn't mind sharing with Shotacons too. Just make sure the rules make it very clear that there will be 2d only and no discussion of real lolis and shotas.
335 posts and 70 images omitted

No.336383 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
the person with no replies wins

140 posts and 23 images omitted

No.313711 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Filter "smh" to "baka"
115 posts and 4 images omitted

Bibliotheca Anonoma and 4chan History Summary

No.290948 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Oi you butts. I'm the 4chan.doc guy.

So you know a week ago died. This led to my pals at bibanon to start a new project: From now on we will make an effort to collect and upload all the 4chan archivers data and back ups. The stuff will be periodically uploaded to the Internet Archive in order to ensure it's online and public.

Right now we are helping Desustorage and 4chanArchives with infrastrucuture, plus we've got 4plebs' images archive and are in the process of obtaining rbt full back ups.

Meanwhile, I did some minor updates to the 4chan.doc (and lost some because of a HDD bricking, (luckily I have my 4chan stuff backed up) and made an effort to gather as much info as possible and make a comprehensive archive availability guide in excel for the project. It's confusing as fuck, but it gets the job done.

So, you get:

Archival Project Status, 1.1.3 (pic related)
4chan.doc, 1.4.5, now with pdf form

Other bibanon peeps may appear and give you news.

As usual, we can discuss our memories of 4chan and the old Internet here.
119 posts and 11 images omitted