>>324683>That quoted you get would get instantly banned, easy as shit. Plus those posts already exist on a daily bases on /v/Well, yeah. I would hope so, on some level. But you're not going to remove the sentiment from the community by censoring it though. You just drive it deeper and make sure it takes root.
>No, we can make a trial board and then just delete western and eastern /v/ if it fails and we go back to regular shit filled /v/mite b cool but I seriously doubt it will garner a userbase that's not 90% /foolz/ from the archive sites based on software of the same name, AKA retarded ironic-weeb shitposting tripfags. Worth a shot maybe. All I'm really against is a hard split of the community, because there is no way it will go well.
>/v/ will never agree with anything, no matter where you send /v/Yeah, so long as you send them together, sure. Separate them into these pockets and shit will get incestuous fast.
>Do you actually think western /v/ will be able to agree on the best fallout game? Do you actually think eastern /v/ will agree between Persona and SMT? Or which final fantasy is the best one? Hell no nigga.Of course not. That's not what I'm talking about though. What I'm saying is that shit games are more likely to get a pass because they are on topic. At the moment we have people on /v/ who legitimately bought the last cawwadoody or dragon age cisquisition. My main worry is that these terrible games start to become more accepted despite their terrible quality, just because they're "western". I don't want to nurture yet another cancerous containment board. The relaxed standards would bring in retards who think they're in good company much like ironic shitposting did with shitposters and the cycle continues anew.
>Your voice is honestly [spoiler:lit]shit[/spoiler:lit] to be quite honest. But this was a fun debate to me. So if you have anything else to say and I am around I will make sure to prove you wrong again.super rude dude hurtfeelings/10