Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
You all know who I am. I have won many battles, but this is a war I just can't win. I have made a sudden epiphany that my efforts to save young men from cultural degeneracy have been fruitless, and have worked against my cause. Ir started out as a policing action that exponentially escalated into a great war, causing needless destruction. My actions have encouraged far more degeneracy and cultural rot than an alternate timeline where I just left people be.
Don't get me wrong, you people who act like toddlers are still bad for society, but I was the real toddler hear. I am surrendering for my own personal safety and to keep the world a safer place. I now regret my hateful actions and have realized the full implications of the harm I have done.
I am still recovering from trauma, and I know many of you guys are as well, so I call for an armistice, henceforth on December 7th, 2020.
I will be focussing on improving my life, and I hope you all will do the same.