Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
I knew you were a wimp with no competitive drive. At the first sign of adversity, at the first sign that you would have to exert any effort at all, you booked it. You gave me all that talk about running /qa/ and then you fled to Pissu after a minion or two got banned. I've never seen a more pathetic mountain of meat who was willing to give up on a dream so easily and so soon.
/qa/ got handcuffed because your competitive drive is pathetic - it may be the worst I've ever seen. I'll explain why shortly. When you decided to self-moderate this board, you lazily outsourced the task to bots instead of thinking up an effective solution that didn't require VPNs. This attracted mods like flies to honey and provoked drastic UNPRECEDENTED measures that afflicted /qa/ with limitations it didn't used to have in the beginning of 2015. And in every instance a thread with a topic that didn't cater to your interests was made, you'd cry bloody murder and insist that the community and the staff were conspiring against you. That the deck was stacked and that the mod had given specific boogeymen carte blanche to rain on your parade, all to spite 5 genetic dead ends who enjoy dumping low-effort garbage here 24/7. You're angry about a lot of things, but one thing you're really angry about is the way you're constantly discouraged from taking the path of least resistance. Your biggest fear is that one day you'll be expected to roll up your sleeves and devise a well-thought-out approach rather than the oafish force-driven method you've employed so far. I don't have a lot of confidence in your ability to accomplish a goal on the merits of your own creativity, but surely you can see that what you're doing is working against you.