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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 33


No.3546505 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Whats the obsession with schizophrenia on /qa/? Are there loads of schizophrenics here or is it just being ironic for some reason?
Look at all the "take your meds" posts and schizophrenia basedjaks floating around. Why is everyone acting like this now?
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No.4517225 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.4755138 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
what the fuck mods
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No.2930558 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
24 hours into nofap, would really like to fap
am I suffering for nothing?
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New 404 page

No.675371 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why did hiro replace yotsuba with some activist garbage?
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No.3204060 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>delete good threads with actual conversation between humans
>keep shit tier bait threads that are just discord trannies and bots

There is no doubt in my mind that certian janitors are intentionally causing the downfall of pol. We should all leave this place. It has become rotten.

If youve had any other experience today, please link me to the thread. Otherwise i must assume all of pol is trash.

This is a meta thread, as allowed by hiro
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No.4721017 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>One tranny maxes out three proxies in 30 minutes to slide questions and answers with unfunny bald man spam threads
>They're meticulously maintained by the same spinoff tranny
>"gem" "page 10" "bumo"
>Raid ensues until /qa/ is choked out with 4 pages worth of "self moderation"
>It's all part of the plan
>One anon posts a cartoon pony
>Every mod loses ((("xeir"))) mind
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No.4709952 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
me after getting my fauci ouchie
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No.1619305 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So just to make it clear, I am not defending the abysmal quality of the post that got me suspended from posting, however, I highly question the moral fabric and ethics of the moderators.

The very first thing that buggers me is a trend I have noticed over the last year to first give a warning, followed by a day ban followed by then the normal three day ban, and mind you this is important, this is not for repeated offense, it's for one offense. For one shit you will get ban an hour or two, then this ban will be immediately transformed into a day and then three days.

So when you receive your ban at first you see two hours, then you refresh you see a day and then refresh again next day and you're actually banned three more days, a total of almost five days sweep under the rug.

I feel grudge in this tactics. Grudge that should never be abhorred by moderators.

Another deceptive tactic to try and slap harder than necessary is globally banned a user from all board for a single minor offense on another board. To my very surprise, this time wasn't a global. Usually, I would be globally banned from all board on top of the shadow shenanigans.

I am not here to argue. I am not here for an ''explanation'', I am merely reporting something I noticed. This practice is questionable. It seriously makes me question the ethics of people handling my private info (IP) who are responsible for the ''quality'' of the post here.

The whimsical nature of moderators here is well known, however, if you ask us to post responsibly then I kindly ask you the same when it comes to a ban. If a subject has personally hurt your feelings it is understandable however the role of a moderator is to enforce the site's rule, not his personal agenda, or flat out go on a vendetta against some user by giving them harsher bans then they should.

Good day, gentlemen

P.S I didn't get banned for anything remotely offensive or grotesque, I posted a timeline thread on /insert the inappropriate board here/
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New Markiplier Kino

No.4476988 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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