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Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
1. Hiro and I have discussed the matter, and as a result the mod responsible for this warning has been fired. 4chan has a templated system of bans in order to ensure that the rules are enforced in a standardized way across all boards, and this mod decided to circumvent those templates in order to deliver a political message. Doing so was highly inappropriate as it demonstrated that the mod's motivation was not to enforce the rules, but to enforce his personal beliefs. This is outside the mandate of a 4chan moderator, and grounds for termination.
2. The screenshots from 8chan of a person claiming to be a 4chan mod are unrelated, and have every indication of being fraudulent. There are no mods that use that name, nor are there any mods in that age bracket. Despite all the rumors to the contrary, the mod team has not changed significantly for many years. Moreover, these screencaps belie an ignorance of our anonymous janitor application rating process and the measures put in place to prevent favoritism. Mods do not have the ability to engage in nepotism with janitor hires as all personally identifiable information about applicants are hidden from them, and they only rate a randomly selected subset of applicants. Multiple moderators have to give an applicant high ratings before they can be hired. Moreover, any mod behaving in a fashion similar to that claimed in the screenshots would be immediately identified and fired, as happened here.
3. /pol/ is for discussing politics and current events. Right Wing Safety Squad threads are neither. These threads need to find another venue. /pol/ is far too crowded for off-topic stuff like this. Also there is significant potential for personal army bullshit in these threads, which we cannot permit. 4chan is not your personal army.
4. /pol/ has grown enormously in the past few years, and now completely exploded due to the election. Now more than ever we need to ensure that the board stays on topic and high quality. There's way too much off-topic crap being posted, both intentionally and unintentionally and we need all /pol/ users to help prevent this. Do not reply to off-topic posts. Do not post dubs/GETs, roulette derails, "your mother will die in her sleep" derails, or other /b/-tier content. Do not post blog threads or blatantly off-topic threads.
/pol/ is about politics and current events. If you thread is not directly related to politics or current events, it should not go on /pol/. Read the sticky and abide by it. /pol/ will only improve in quality if you accept the responsibility not to engage in these sorts of behaviors, even if you perceive that others do.
You know who you are. I know you hate my threads, and that you report them, since this is like the third or fourth time they've been removed. I know you are the one who always complains about "hurr not meta". Well, where are your meta threads? Where are the threads about 4chan and internet history? Where are your 4chan-related oc threads? They're nowhere, and you know why? Because you don't care about meta. You don't give a shit about the "real subject" of this fucking board, you just want to shitpost like the spinoff retards that just got kicked out. Remember how I always told you, "be the change you want to see"? Where's the fucking change? Most of the catalog is the same complaining and shitposting as always. Fuck you, you don't care about meta. You don't want this board to change for the better. You just want my threads gone so you can shitpost more. And I will keep on making my threads because they don't break any rules, so fuck off.
What's /qa/'s opinion on ghostposting -that is, the posts being made on the archive sites rather than the site. Which boards do it the most? /qa/ seems to quite a lot.