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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 67

No.3846657 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>looking through the archives
>see an unrelated thread I remember posting in
>someone was mad enough to respond to me in a ghost post in length after the thread archived even though he knew I would most certainly never see the reply
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Dear 4chan history wiki

## Developer No.3881520 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

> September 20 - The cat behind one of 2chan/4chan's earliest memes, Longcat, dies of respiratory failure as confirmed by the owner on Twitter. /b/, /an/, /f/ and /s4s/ all get stickies. The /b/ thread is made and stickied by Hiro himself.

That was actually me jsyk

No.3881038 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tranime >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>didnt read, saged and hidden
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>also built for bee bee sea
>>>>>>Image limit reached.
...../.......___ _____..........\
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No.2097737 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
usa mimi mode~

Annoying Orange is not a vtuber and hasno place in this board

No.3876537 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>What makes a vtuber?
The exact definition is fuzzy, but there are a few key factors that are shared among the vast majority, and that most agree with.

1- The vtuber must identify themselves as such
2-The vtuber is a character being played as if they were a living, real entity 24/7 in all social platforms they use.
3-There is some degree of interaction between the vtuber and the audience besides just watching the show.
4- The Vtuber utilizes an animated avatar rigged to the performer's face without showing traces of the performer's face

These 4 key aspects are the essence of what being a vtuber is.
All universaly accepted vtubers share these qualities, sometimes bending but never breaking the rules.

The Annoying Orange fails to comply with any of these basic characteristics from all vtubers.

1- Annoying Orange has never, not even once, referred to themselves as a vtuber, neither by the character or by the creators of the show

2- There is no suspension of disbelief in pretending that Annoying Orange is a real entity living in real time. It doesn't have schedules, social media dedicated specifically to its characters, etc. It exists solely in the confines of the show

3- There is no sort of interaction between any of the Annoying Orange characters and its audience. It's literally a show or series of videos you watch.

4- The annoying orange almost complies to this except for a few details. The performer isn't using any sort of facerig but rather super imposing his facial features into an orange. There is no animation at play. It's also not concealing said facial features in any way.

That's 0/4.
Dear orangeposters. Just because something is an animated character on the internet performed by people, doesn't mean it is a VTuber.
Get the fuck out of this board with your off topic autism.

To the mods, there is no reason for the orange posts to be allowed. The Annoying Orange is not a vtuber.

Have a lovely day
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No.3875218 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
*puts on my boymode panties and skinny jeans* I wonder if the dirty boys are going to sneak a peek....
*puts on my boymode bra* don’t wanna mess up breast growth!!
*puts on my tight boymode pink hoodie to “hide” my gyno* uwu comfy....
*puts on my boymode foundation* perfect time to go out!!
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No.3857796 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/leftypol/ just censored me on /tv/ again. I think they're getting scared
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blue boards broken

No.3869239 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
anyone else having this problem?
Whenever I try to enter a blue board on my phone, an ad just takes over the entire screen and I can't get to it.
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No.3848875 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
why are onepice fans so autistic?
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No.3843672 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What makes the cooking janny such an uncontrollable, raging faggot - even for a janny - that you can't even say that overcooked steak tastes like ass on a goddamned board called "food and cooking"?

Is gook moot so fucking stupid that he thinks I'm going to buy a pass to use a website with such incompetent volunteer staff that they can't even keep track of the subject on their own board?
18 posts and 5 images omitted