That must have been a wild night: there's fluff all in your nose, you see someone's arm and leg in your periphial vision, and you can feel the presence of two girls at least your age on both the left and right side of you.
What was the last thing you remember?
Oh right, You are Jack Albator. Handsome drinker, heavyweight adventurer, and two-time savior of the worst place in the world.
That's right, isn't it? Yeah, it's close enough for you.
There isn't much to remember here, on the twilight of sleep. You recall a painful experience having to infiltrate Gallete while a massive beast made of claws and teeth foiled your every movement. You remember finally gaining access to Gallete, and then having to hide inside of a prison with a Lass who claimed that the world would end if her father found her in Gallete's dungeons.
Then you remember drinking, a whole lot. Answers seem to come easy to you when they're found at the bottom of a bottle. Fortunately, you carry bottles in places which are almost invisible to the casual observer.
So you cracked open one of those bottles: nope, answer wasn't there. You cracked open the OTHER bottle you had, and the answer was no where to be found there as well. You're not sure how long you went through this cycle. You remember having at least five or six bottles on you in case of a long stay out in the country like you had not too long ago. It's hard to count when thinking about fine brandy.
You DO remember Cody talking to the dragon, and then the dragon just letting you leave. You're sure that can't be correct. Cody was probably fighting the monster in the pitched struggle, and you were just too drunk to remember.
Talking to a dragon; no, worse, BARGAINING with a dragon? Who the hell would do such a suicidal thing?