Welcome back to Fate/Maimed Reality
In the previous episodes: After confronting Caster and her Master, you defeated you arch-nemesis Emi and her Servant, Rider.
Pastebin with full info:
"John, is that you?"
You recognize her voice instantly. It's the only person who visited you at the hospital. You're surprised, especially because apparently someone gave her your number.
"Yes, I am John. You're the girl who visited me. I have kept my promise: I haven't forgotten you".
For a few minutes, she doesn't say anything. Then she answers. "Thank you. It means a lot to me. Are you doing alright?" Hard to answer that question. You've been dragged into a deadly war, and maybe you should be grateful you're alive. Then what's this bad sensation overcoming you? Guilt?
"Yes, sort of. Classes are boring, but I have nice friends." Why would you feel guilty to begin with you? You were just defending yourself. You haven't harmed anybody.
"Oh... are they nice?"
"Who are you talking about?"
"Your... new friends, you know"
Something's off with her tone of voice. You catch a hint of disappointment.
"I guess. I haven't had time to meet them properly."
"Ok... well don't forget you have a friend here, too, ok? A friend who cares very much."
"I would never forget that", you say, oddly confident in that statement.
This seems to cheer her up, as she laughs softly. "Good bye Johnathan, see you around"
"See you", you answer mechanically.
'See' whom and how? You don't even know her name, and you didn't bother to ask her either. What a failure of a friend.
Thinking about friends, you gaze upon your 'new' arm: Saber's gift. You feel another pang of guilt. Maybe if you had talked with Rin yesterday she would have given you something like that, too. Saber is lacking an arm now, possibly because of your negligence.