Rolled 19 (1d100)
Eclipsed Moon Quest Episode 113
Sheets and Info: Account: Account: Silver Base
“No interference this time,” one of the technicians cheers as he turns from his monitor and toward the stone obelisk at the room’s center surrounded by an elaborate technical array being tended to by numerous other men and women in jump suits or military fatigues.
“Excellent,” smiles the lead on the project as he turns to the woman standing next to him with a supernaturally obscured face, “By next week we should be able to directly interface with the dormant systems, is there anything you expect us to find?”
“Honestly I’m not sure,” she sighs, “but it will help us retake Charon and the gates,”
“Any word from the other bases as far as intel?” he asks after her carefully, “I know Neptune Base and Uranus Base are online but I haven’t heard much about your colleagues there,”
“Neither of them have checked in in three days. We expected it to take some time for them to scout out Pluto’s Planet Palace from the vacuum,” she says worriedly, “but I’m still concerned,”
The obelisk at the center of the wide and circular room glows hot white for a second. Technicians are thrown back, only she remains standing. When the light fades and everyone goes about righting themselves and knocked over equipment, the woman in white steps forward in wonder.
“What was that?” asks a technician, “Damage report?”
“Everything is intact,” one shouts, “There’s a data transmission, nothing legible yet,”
The woman pauses before an object sticking out of the floor that had not been there before. A white sword made of stone.
Interlude End