previous: sheet: groan, rolling over myself in a ball of slime and nausea, as I hear Kandence whimper in pain.
"Soo what's wrong with the two of you then?" Baba yaga sighs as she stares into my bed tank
"Thanksgiving" We groan in unison as I rise out of the pool of myself, or just my upper body really, to sick to form the rest right now
"Ah yes, the holiday of gorging" Baba sighs , before she grins teasingly as she leans "Never understood that one to be honest, but at least it seems you two had fun overeating, which should be actually be impossible for you so...congratulations I guess"
"Well if you try hard enough, anything is possible" I groan as I sink back down into myself, until only the top part of my head is poking out of the rest of me
"Of course it is" She says nodding as she walks away from my tank, leaving me to my suffering "So I take it you two won't be doing anything today?"
What do you say?
[] hopefully
[] No...need to go to my classes
[] Eh, there's a session later, and Titania would be disappointed if we didn't show up
[] Hell no, going to hang out with Miranda, a little upset stomach isn't going to stop me from having fun
[] I was planning on visiting my ghost friend
[] why?
[] write in