Previous: sheet: char sheets:, why is it so cold? I groan, trying to pull my blanket...oh right. I sigh as I sit up in my sleeping bag, looking around the lightless tent I was sleeping in, my back and legs aching from sleeping on the ground without anything under me to soften it. Now I know why I never went camping in the..real world? I mean this feels pretty real, and as far as I can see there's no way out of it. I mean a game wouldn't have nightmares of fires and screamed pleas for mercy in it now would it.
I shake my head, already tired and worn out despite just waking up, which is just plainly bullshit. Why am I even having dreams like that? I mean I've seen some horrible things in this world already, despite just getting here per say. Rotting corpses in a giant ant hive, what a sword can do to a person..or goblin rather.
I sit up straighter, staring into the darkness as a wailing wind shakes my tent. And yet I haven't felt sick from any of it, and these dreams are...well they have to be coming from something right? Maybe they're just from the stress of nearly dying like three times already...or just what happened to Sam.
I mean, none of the pkers had any way to burn damn near half his face, so what could've...
I hear a clattering to my side and turn to see the green glow of the hiver's eyes, staring back at me from the edge of my tent. I smirk and pat it gently on the head.
"You've been watching me sleep?" I ask, yawning as a smile slowly spreads on my lips.
It nods, snapping it's mandibles happily. I swear this thing's been getting smarter.
What do you do?
[] Wake everyone else up
[] Go for a walk
[] make breakfast
[] Rant about all this to the hiver
[] give the hiver a name
[] look at your sword
[] Worry about bailey
[] Take a bath in the nearby stream
[] try to go back to sleep *PLOT NIGHTMARE*
[] write in