The Story So Far: Thread Summary: Thread Summary: are Sierra Beckhoff, and you are the Imperiate – the one true tyrant of the thousand hells. Or something like that, anyway. You’re working on it.
You’re currently on your way to meet with Borislav the druid about mastering a primordial elemental over by Lake Erie. With the Archduke of Mardusia, the Golden Serpent, and a Grand Wyrmwrither getting on your case, you need a lot of power, fast.
And now there’s this Hildegard woman person who says she knew your dad, and she’s telling you that you’ve got to either work for Sulkrasph, or throw Roger (a friend of yours) under the bus? What the hell’s that all about?
All this woman’s ‘advice’ doesn’t quite qualify as such. She’s just telling you basically to roll over and give up. Like hell. You check the tree line on either side of the road, still wary that Hildegard might be up to something – still nothing.
There’s a chance she really is trying to help, and you don’t think it’s wrong to dispense with cruddy advice, so long as you think you’re contributing somehow. But there’s still a lot of questions going on here.
“If you really want to help so much, why have you literally never helped me ever before?” you say, narrowing your eyes further. “I mean, there were points where you could have shown up even with all this BS, and I would have scarfed it down like chocolate cake.”
Hildegard feels a note of regret at your words. “I would have, but circumstances limit me,” she says. “I could not involve you in my difficulties.”
“Difficulties, huh?” you ask. “Anything that has to do with the people trying to kill me, then? Cause you sure know a lot about the Yellow King and Sulkrasph.”
“I do,” she says, cleverly avoiding the question.