>QM Twitter: https://twitter.com/SmileytheQM>Previous Threads: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Blood%20Moon>Thread #45>Champion info: http://pastebin.com/bNditXfGYou and Abigail run from the taxi to the cafe after paying the driver.
Even though it was a short run, both of you are completely soaked by the time you make it inside.
You sweep your wet hair back and laugh. "Well, the rain certainly snuck up on us" You say.
"No kidding" Abigail says. "Ugh, I'm soaked"
"On the upside, at least you aren't wearing white" You say.
"Like you?" She asks. "Your nipples are showing, by the way"
You shrug. "Nothing these people haven't seen" You say, turning to the others in the cafe. You only see Boss here. No customers, no employees...
"Are we alone?" You ask him.
Marissa bursts out of the back room. "Is who alone?" She asks, "Oh, hey Saif. Wasn't expecting you... or uhh... Hi, I don't believe we've met"
"Marissa, this is Abigail" You say.
"I work here now" Abigail says.
She doe- oh right, she does. You'd forgotten about that.
Well either way, Marissa being here sort of complicates things. You feel like you should let Boss know why you're here, but you can't do it in front of a normal person...
Fuck, is this how they used to see you? 'Oh dang, Saif's here. Better stow all the magic talk till it's just us mages'... God, what a stupid system you live in...
>Chat for a bit, mage talk can wait>Pull boss aside for a moment>Grab some towels>Other