Previous: Nightmare: tock tick tock, always ticking and tocking this house, too many clocks along the walls and halls. It almost entrancing at the times when it's not annoying, almost like a simple but lovely song.
I sigh, rubbing the locket in my chest to calm my shaking nerves as I remember what the queen said to me before she left, she was quite precise in what she wanted me to do.
Though she didn't say it so bluntly, I could tell what she meant. Break Crimson Dream's body or spirit as she did to her. A rather cruel task, but one I must undertake if I want to help all of my various kin in this world. I have to save them, and the queen...she's nice, real nice and doesn't treat me like what I am, and I must admit she has a...fascinating air around here. I sigh, I will have to talk to her more upon my return, if I do return that is.
I sigh, staring at the large, caseless clock on the wall infront of me, it's gears turning and clicking.
What do I do?
[] Head to the human would
[] Find Barthamew
[] Take a bath
[] get something to eat
[] Practice a monologue
[] make a disguise, and make myself look my best
[] Ask Lovely for advice
[] thank Mr tick tock
[] Take the long way there, to think
[] write in