Previous: sheet: char sheets:"Well this is just fucking fantastic isn't it" Sam groans angrily as he kicks his legs up on our travelling supplies and leans against the wall of the inn, balancing himself up in place as he angrily shakes his head "Of course the second we try to leave some horsecrap like this happens"
"Sam, people are actually in danger here, can you at least pretend to be worried?" Lucy sighs shaking her head, before she stops, sighing as she rests her head in her hands "People could actually die here, and from what everyone's been saying, no one has the cash to pay them, even with some of the nicer townsfolk offering to chip in"
I rub the bridge of my nose, wincing as I touch the claw left scar near my missing eye, a surge of pain rippling through my face as I try to keep focus in the middle of all this chaos and bickering.
every player in town is out here, yelling and screaming at eachother, at the npcs, or just cursing loudly. I can understand why, from what I've been hearing they're all pretty much as low level as we are, hell I'm just glad something else is taking the attention of the townsfolk away from me once.
"You okay there Krovachi?" Minor asks, looking up at me as I cover the scarred side of my face, looking at her with my only eye "You haven't said a word since all this started, I'm getting kind of worried about you, if you're scared you can tell me, okay?"
I smile and
"Oi demon, you still all there?" A rough sounding old voices coughs from the crowd
My smile fades as I slowly look up, glaring with my one eye as I see an tiny old man, pushing is way through the crowd with the cane. He's hunched over and looks more dead than alive, with a long white beard sticking to his face and hanging down to his knees, where it sways back and forth with his everystep,