[Archive here:
http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Spook%20Quest ]
After my walk through the storm through half the night, the spook gives everyone the chance to sleep in. I thankfully take it, sleeping my hard walk through the storm the storm off, reeking of mud and horse still after my trip to Galo.
Eventually I’m pulled from my sleep, Mr Johnson setting me to the task of studying up more on witches. He warns me to never stray too close to a town called Senschal, about a day's walk from the spook’s house in Arling, as Senschal is currently being held captive in an intense feud between three warring clans of witches, each one vying for control over the people.
I ask my master why he doesn’t try and take the witches out, but he grumbles something about being outnumbered. He jerks his chin at the map, “I take any stragglers that wander away from the village that I can, but you don’t go walking into a den of wolves, now do you?” He’d asked, before leaving me to study in silence, the library large, dusty and silent.
And then there’s the issue of Kara, the girl I’d rescued in Galo. The first meal she’d been offered, she’d turned down all the meat offered to her, but ate enough vegetables to nearly clean the pantry out. The three of us eating in silence, while the spook’s cat kept a wary eye on her, ginger tail twitching back and forth.
The lapine girl grows increasingly uncomfortable under the cat’s gaze, shifting in her seat, earning a hard stare from my master as well. “Um… Thank you for dinner?” She nods her head weakly, “If you don’t mind, I’ll go to bed early.”
The spook watches her go eyes narrowed, before he shakes his head. “Boy, at some point during the week, I’m having you take some notes on her. I scare her half to death, so you’ll have to press her for information.” He flips to a blank page in one of his many bestiaries, scrawls out a few headers and leaves it with me, before he limps off to bed as well.