PREVIOUSLY ON MAGICAL GIRL LIBERTY: step back, gnashing your teeth as you Knives keeps on closing the distance. “Listen. The Atlas is not here.” She tilts her head, confused. “I’ve already smuggled it out of Australia. You’re never going to find it, it’s miles away from here.”
“Oh?” Knives stops, confused a bit. “Let me get this straight. You have only been in Australia for at most one day, and you’ve already smuggled the Atlas out of here? I find that hard to believe, and that’s not even getting into you being such a horrible, horrible, liar, Lady Liberty.” You swallow deeply. She’s sharper than you thought, no pun intended. “Don’t you know that lying is a sin?”
You narrow your eyes. “-Everything- you do is a sin.”
“And I love it,” she says, giggling a bit. “Now where is the Atlas, darling? Don’t skimp out on me.” She hovers the knife underneath your chin. You look over at Kirby, standing stock still on your shoulder. “Perhaps Kirby knows?” The Atlas is back in your room. Apparently she’s not keen on ransacking the Zeppelin unnecessarily. “Keep in mind, I already have the Zeppelin surrounded, if you lie to me again, I’ll just have to punish you.”
You chew on the insides of your cheek. You could transform right now and beat her. Why aren’t you doing it though? “Major.” Kirby speaks. “The Atlas will not fall into your hands. Liberty will stop you at all costs even if it means her life and my life. You will not win today.”
She rolls her eyes. “Typical. I try to be reasonable and this happens, of course.” She grabs your arm, then throws you against a railing. You’re stunned, completely stunned in her grasp. This isn’t how it’s supposed to go! The blade of her knife burns against your neck. “Tell me, or I’ll have to make love with your corpse!” she hisses. The Stosstruppen close in around you, pointing their guns as well.
“Kirby.” You look over at him. “Get-“