Previous: sheet:"WAKE UP WAKE UUUUP!" I shout as I struggle to flip on the rooms lights for a second as my hand leaves streaks of lavender slime along the walls until I find the switch, realizing that like the idiot I am I wasn't even touching it.
The bright, pure and boring lights buzz to life as my reptilian roommate whimpers and groans trying to pull her covers over head, her tail rattling loudly as I stride over to her bed and start to try and pull away her clothy prison so she can enjoy this most wonderful of days
"Nooo, I want to ssssssleeep" She hisses, grabbing the front of her blanket and pulling it back over her eyes as I continue to tug and "can't you just have your fun with it without me, I don't like halloween"
"Aw come on it's fantastic" I sigh sadly, my lip quivering as Kandence glares up at me, her tongue flicking out from her lips as her eyes glow a very angry orange "Can't you just go trick or treating with me?! No...well we could always go visit the grave yard"
"Lucy, if I can't stand all the fake stuff, why would I be able to stomach real, actual, er non living ghosts?" She asks angrily, the first time I'e actually heard her be upset with me...feels really bad actually "just go away for the day or something, you have friends besides me don't you?"
I huff, angrily crossing my arms as I start to pout, how could anyone hate halloween, you get free candy and of course the best part of it, you can scare people without any real repercussions, and it's just such a magical time of the year
I mean even though Monsters are real and all and I'm one of them, the day of all hallows eve, the evening of ghosts and ghouls, the best day of the year is still just as exciting as I imagine it would be without all this.
I groan, how can she be such a kill joy today of all days?