PREVIOUSLY:“Alright, Lev, R5, you two watch the ship. Don’t let anybody aboard, make sure the R-22 gets a good coat of paint, and if you see anything funny looking, call me on the comms.” You point to your wristmounted communicator. “You got that?”
Lev and R5 stand outside the Barloz freighter, listening to your instructions. Kashyyyk has changed quite a bit since the Clone Wars. It was still quite the planet of forests and trees, but nowadays the Empire has billed Kashyyyk as sort of a poor man’s Manaan. It was a big resort place for the working class people from Kuat Ship Yards, Onderon, and Cato Neimoidia. As a result, things were not very pleasant for the native Wookiees, who despite their fearsome reputation seem to have again been enslaved by a galaxy spanning empire. You suppose that those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it maybe. You’ve had a few dealings with Wookiees, they are still quite honorable and noble.
But honor and nobility helps no one in this galaxy, at least not anymore. You cross your arms as Lev responds to your instructions. “We understand, Master Cykgil. We will defend the ship with our lives if at all possible.” He looks down at R5. “However, the R5 unit will most likely be the sole casualty.”
“What are you talking about?” asks R5. He spins his head to Lev.
“Astromechs are expendable. Tactical droids are not,” Lev states.
“How’s this for expendable.” R5 immediately rams into Lev’s leg, nearly knocking him over.
“Ow.” Lev kicks R5, knocking him over. “Ha. Ha. Ha. Get up so I can kick you again.”
“Okay, knock it off you two!” you yell. Lev looks over at you, immediately assuming parade stance. R5 simply lies there, unable to get up under his own power. That’s what you get for scavenging the poor thing. “Lev. You understand. Now make sure nobody touches the ship.”