twitter: sheet: hate waking up so early, before I caught the Echidna virus, I could sleep in as late as I wanted, I could also hold things without having to worry about having to pull them out of myself later, which is a real pain in the ass.
I groan and whimper, trying to flow back into my puddle tiredly, only managing to spread myself out across the pool of water I sleep in.
I sink under the water, trying to muffle the loud, and fucking annoying blaring filling the air as I hear Kandence whimpers, as she flops to the floor out of her bed, her tail flailing around and knocking into things as the noise finally stops.
"All first year changees, please meet at the schools all species gym, we're having a mandatory PSA today, to get you ready for when you do eventually have to go back to normal society, thank you and sorry for any trouble this caused" My dad's voice echos through the room, in his usual bored, slightly threatening your life for talking to him monotone as I hear a few voices giggle behind him as Kandence groans and mutters something..."Why do I have to say I'll be there?"
Not a fucking second later, I hear what sounds like a godamned army rushing down the halls as several doors slam open at the same time. I sigh angrily as I hear the unmistakable sound of a hoard of girls with the same crush, which would've shattered my ear drums if I still had them, but all it does now thankfully is make me shake around like a plate of frozen jello.
Kandence lays on the floor, shivering as she tries to pull her blanket over herself.
"Why'd they have to wake meee uuuup" She groans, her tail rattling as her giant sun lamp flickers on.
What do you do?
[] get something to drink
[] go to the PSA
[] Find a place far away to hang out away from the PSA
[] Wander the halls
[] stay here with Kandence
[] Write in