Previous: sheet: and heat. I wake up, every part of me already feeling worn out and tired, the uncomfortable feeling of sweat under my clothes and everywhere else, making me feel icky as I shift and yawn, pushing myself up from the rough, unloving old board table, my hands hurting just from touching it so roughly.
I briefly wonder where I am, before my eye aches under the loose bandages covering it and a quarter of my face. I groan in pain and dread realization as I gently touch my hand over my missing eye.
*Clitter, Clatter*
I look down, seeing the weird Beetle ant thing Me and Lawren...Lucy have decided to keep as a kind of pet. It tilts it's head, it's antenna twitching as it bumps into my leg gently with it's horns, which look like of like a spade split in half.
I hear a heavy sigh and turn to see my elven friend, staring into a dirty glass mug of water, looking at her reflection with tired looking eyes. She runs a hand through her short blond hair and looks up at me, smiling as she wipes her tear stained cheeks
"Oh, you're finally awake Ka..Krovachi" She says, barely smiling "Don't know how you managed to sleep in this place, I mean you didn't even wake up when some fuckfaces tried to throw you out because of how you look...but our little friend here kept them away, didn't you?"
I smirk, and reach down to pat our little hiver, a dull thud resounding from it's carapace covered head.
What do I say?
[] Good Morning Lucy
[] Do you remember their faces?
[] Still can't believe they wouldn't give us a room
[] Who's a good man eating bug thing? you are
[] still need to give it a name
[] Oh fuck...I need to get my new sword
[] they didn't touch you did they?
[] We need a better place to stay.
[] I want to stab something
[] ....oh right...we're in the game still aren't we
[] write in