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>>43114318"Damn right, Piccolo!" you shout with a jubilant fist pump. "Ah, Trip, are you okay?"
"I am... I must say, I am still impressed by that." she confirms with a sweet smile. "And glad."
Goku walks towards you. It's like the fierce maelstrom of... whatever it was isn't even there any. Probably because it isn't. It was an obstacle that wasn't really there. You smile at him. "Heh... kind of like Darkness, huh?"
"We're stronger than we were back then. No, more than stronger..." he tells you, taking your hand.
"Much more." The two of you face forward. Piccolo, behind you, seems ready to move on as well. Okay... Speech... then... Action! The three of you burst forward, Trip hurrying along with... and you seem to burst through something."Well done, well done... you only took four of the steps!" an... elephant person tells you.
"Lord Konpei." Trip addresses him respectfully, giving a bow. You and Goku quickly join in, Piccolo... nodding. Eh, still some things to work on. "Only four?"
"Indeed." The room around you seems to... normalize? You look back and... wait, the entrance is only 10, maybe 20 meters away. Konpei chuckles at your expression. "Darkness and I have been pulling tricks like that for centuries, though I was never much a fan of how harsh his could be. But I guess you have to be harsh when you guard a secret like that..."
>A. Thank you for meeting us, Lord Konpei>B. I have a LOT of questions...>C. Hey, how do you feel, monkey boy?>D. Piccolo, nice job there!>E. Trip, you holding up well?>F. Something else?