previous: sheets: Eli Char Am Bel Del Jamie"Heeey Eli" Charlotte says in a sing songy voice, as she wraps her arms around my neck from behind my desk "How're you doing today?"
"You're in this class?" I ask, turning back to look at her as the teachers rambles on about some myth about some dragon or another, I think it's a Beowulf or something "And I'm still feeling sore from last night, if you need to greedy little thing"
"Well nooo, but I'm pretty sure my teacher didn't tell me to go to the office after he told me to get out of his classroom" She giggles as she hugs me tightly from behind "And you were the one who made me do it in the first place, so don't complain about"
"Of course" I chuckle as I hold my hands over hers "Well I'm not, I'm just saying, you could be a bit more"
"Oh my gawd could you two dykes like shut up, I'm trying to listen here" A very annoying, punch able and burnable voice says.
Charlotte squeezes my neck, I can feel her breath running down my neck. Amanda closes her book and glares a\ where the bitchy girl is sitting, which is very unlike her...but then again she is technically kind of Charlotte's mom, at least genetically..kind of.
"Aaand what are you looking at, bubble gum" the voice says laughing a dry, barking laugh "I don't have any hair dye for you, freak"
Charlotte grips my neck harder, burying her face in my hair, shaking in anger.
What do I do?
[] "Bitch, do you want to take this outside?"
[] ignore her
[] Throw my very heavy book at her 1d20
[] "Can I be excused?", Go outside with Charlotte
[] Keep talking with Charlotte, about last night
[] "You know, I don't care if you beat her teeth in Char..."
[] write in