twitter: sheet: moaning wail echos throughout the halls, creeping into mine and Kandence's room, dragging me out of my unusually peaceful sleep. I yawn, my arms forming out of my puddle as I rise out of my tank, my body slowly defining itself back to it's usual appearance as a manically broken cackle echos through the halls again. I run my hand over my hair, the two fusing together at the edges for a brief second as I look at the door in confusion, to tired to open the door and check what's making all these scary noises.
I smirk as I see a crude pumpkin painted on our side of the door, oh right, it's like two weeks until halloween isn't it? Well that hopefully explains what all those noises are...then again from what I've seen around this place it could just be some girls messing around, getting their all hallows eve scares in early.
I sigh, turning to my skittish roommate's bed to see her, as I expected, curled up under it in her coils, shaking as she holds onto her rattle like a scared kid would a blanket or stuffed animal. I frown as she looks up at me, looking paler than a vampire in sunscreen.. or that ghost at the cafeteria...or maybe snow? point is she's looking even more terrified than usual, and it's breaking my heart to see it...then again, it also raises up another feeling, I mean, it is the season of spooks and scares isn't it?
what do you do?
[] comfort the snake
[] Scare the snake
[] go back to sleep
[] go to a class
[] find Miranda
[] hang out with the other slime girls
[] Go to a part of the school and "relax"
[] get some apple cider and pumpkin pie
[] get some nice cold flavored water
[] You know that's just some one playing sound bites over the speakers right?
[] write in