PREVIOUSLY ON MAGICAL GIRL LIBERTY:“That is the stupidest idea I have ever heard in my life.” Sumire points to you, giving you the quintessential look of contempt. “And I hang around you a lot.”
“No, it makes perfect sense! The Japanese have been expanding their naval power for years, they’ve got aircraft carriers, they got battleships, and they’re almost leagues beyond what the US Navy has! Now, if you create a lane of travel between Canada in Mexico, there’s almost nothing the UK or Russia can do about it. It’ll take a hell of a long time to circumvent the Earth, but… imagine it, Sumire. The Japanese invading Great Britain!” Or worse than that, the Nazis sinking Russia too! That’ll create a huge ocean through which the Nazis can transport materiel to Japan and other allies. They can turn Germany into quite possibly the world’s greatest superpower by power of elimination!
She narrows her eyes at you. “Yeah. That’s still ridiculous.”
“Well regardless of what plan they have for us,” you say. You shut the Atlas, closing up the light maps back into its pages. “You have to agree that the power to sink and raise continents is still something that should not fall into the hands of the Nazis.” She nods, crossing her arms. At least she can understand the danger in that. “Now, we have to escape with this thing. Obviously, this old submarine is not in any shape to move.”
Kirby crawls up your shoulder. “I do not believe that going out the way we came will be a valid option either, if Rana and Sacagawea have not held their positions.” You hear a loud rumbling outside, sounds like rocks crashing and grinding
“They’ll hold,” you say. “They’re loyal! Rana even more so.”
“Loyalty does not equal competence.” That… is a good point. Ugh. You want to believe in Rana and you will continue to believe in her.