“I'll bring Natasha to the carrier.” you announce over Walken and Ms Orimura on the comm line.
There was a tense pause in the conversation before Walken speaks again, “I'm glad you're making the right decision. ”
“We'll talk later Smith.” Ms Orimura tells you flatly.
The open comm line goes silent after announcing your decision as there is nothing more to talk about.
You are John Smith, only know male IS pilot, currently carrying Natasha Fairs, pilot of Silverio Gospel, in your arms. The fight to stop the rogue Silverio Gospel took not only you but Houki Shinonono, Cecilia Alcott, Huang Lingyin, Charlotte Dunois and Laura Bodewig to stop. The fight was arduous but you won without a single casualty. You have yet to even debrief but you can see the fallout will be an incredible mess and affect everyone involved. Just one headache after another.
“John. Are you sure about this?” Charlotte asks after she and the rest of girls lands next to you.
“Sure about what?” you ask in return.
“Bringing her to Walken. I know he is a good person but Gospel went rogue while under American control.” Charlotte answers with caution in her voice.
“It would be best to have the people who understand Silverio Gospel best to diagnose the problem.” Cecilia comments.
“But the cause of it going rogue might be among the support crew.” Rin adds with a slightly skeptical tone.
“There is only circumstantial evidence to support that.” Laura replies.
“It's probably for the best this way.” Houki tells the group somewhat reluctantly.
They all look at you, waiting for your reply.
[]The Super Carrier has all the supplies and resources to properly treat Natasha and figure out what went wrong with Silverio Gospel.
[]The problem wasn't with Gospel but something to do with the IS core.