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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 32

Taobao thread

No.8040624 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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306 posts and 52 images omitted

Ladies of Dragon Con beware. He promised to rock my booty everywhere

No.7789916 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Has anyone else besides me messed around with this guy? Someone told me he was screwing Destiny Nickelson, and now I just found out He is married and has a kid. What do I do, I am heartbroken? Do I tell his wife?

The Photos I have were edited to make them pg for 4chaN but you guys get the just of what he was showing. His face book page can be found under JonnyRuckusCosplay
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No.6226376 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Her status as cosplay goddess has been revoked.
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Cosplay photographers in Canada

No.8023599 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Looking to get some serious shoots this upcoming new year... any Toronto seagulls know any the best photographers to work with?
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No.8027057 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
what's a good way to get money online for burando that won't make me do anything? I was considering some kind of camwhoring thing but without all the sexualness. Maybe just showing feet or doing things with my mouth or whatever, but I have no idea how to get people to pay me for that or even where to meet them. how do you guys make money online?
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No.7857719 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Girl, with mental ilness, she she shoops her face and body like crazy and is pretty rude - even when it comes to her skin color, when just mention that her skin color is darker than in her photos you get blocked.

lel , she is mostly a kawaii japanese wannabe.
4 posts omitted

Hair Thread

No.8016239 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
New hair thread

Can anyone recommend good hair masks for dry and damaged hair? Thanks
132 posts and 61 images omitted


No.8014834 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Didn't see another thread. I'll be in Sacramento for this next weekend, anyone else?
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!xi8/JKFwzo No.6697278 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is really terrible. h.Naoto is closing their US store in San Francisco now.

First Black Peace Now and now h.Naoto. It seems San Francisco went from four stores down to two in a month. Thoughts on this development?
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All African-American Maid Cafe?

No.7851130 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I've noticed recently there's a trend of having a maid cafe at every anime convention, but a few have popped up that are only inclusive of African American maids. The more well-known one was Chou Anime Cafe from Detroit (that hired only African American maids and only Asian butlers), but now that they've disbanded it seems like there are a few other African American only maid cafes appearing? One called "Moe Maid Cafe" is currently hiring, and even though they don't mention anywhere in the application process a certain ethnicity is preferred, all of the current maids are African American... Also "Mint Chokoreto Meido" is another all-black cafe looking for maids.

I think that it would be cool at an African American cultural event, or something similar. But to me anime conventions are meant to be all-inclusive and something to bring people together through a common interest despite their other differences. Seeing a maid cafe in America that was 100% any race would be weird to me. And I feel like that plays up the fetish aspect of the cafe, which is definitely not the kind of attention a legitimate cafe is looking for at family-oriented conventions. I feel like this trend of non-inclusive cafes is the same line of logic as girls who spout lines like "Only real women have curves" etc, putting down and excluding others to draw attention to their own minority group.
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