>>7737180Sage, cause this is unrelated to this thread but I'd also like to add I made fake friends with most of the big ~ultra sparkle kawaii desss~ artists and they're all as vapid and bitchy as they come off as, they all use their watchers as a personal army, and while they all traced to some extent, some even blatantly traced their watchers' work. One caught them and was brave enough to call them out on it and she was chased off the site by the girl's zombie sheep. The whole community is a fucking circus, I've never seen a more ridiculous pack of literal animals, but I feel as if /cgl/ would be the same if it Anon wasn't an option.
The only genuinely nice girl is Yamio and even she steals all of her ideas, but she's never denied that.
I gave all those gossip blogs a lot of sweet ass juice, and even though I wasted a good year and a half of my life it was worth it to watch these awful girls sweat, I felt like a vigilante.