>>7077525>>7077532>>7078737>>7078776I'm actually a foreign student from the US in the EU. Fees are teh expensive.
To start from the beginning, my bf and I were young and stupid and we committed some social faux pas. My parents flipped out, wrote him this longass e-mail where they basically insulted both him and his family, and things haven't really healed up since. They're still mad at him, and have chalked up the reasons from "he slept in the same bed as me" (yes, that was stupid of me to say that to them) to "he didn't answer our e-mail" (less reasonable, since they accused him of wanting multiple wives without a real basis other than he is from a Muslim country. Despite not being Muslim).
This summer i had to go back to sit for an exam in the US. Basically, my mom ended up looking through my e-mails (my fault again for not being cagey enough) and everything exploded into the whole conversation about paying loans. They threatened to stop my schooling until I refinanced my loans (which makes no sense considering I could do it at school) and get disowned from the family unless I broke up with my bf. Because I would like to continue school, I agreed.
It would have been easy to just tell my bf we should just continue but honestly I'm just really fucking sick of it all.
Looking back there are definitely things that I could have done to not make it into this mess, so I'm not trying to pin all the blame on my parents at all. It's just a horrible mess right now and I wish there was some way to fix it but there isn't, so I guess there just aren't things that are meant to be changed back to before in this life.
Feel free to call me underage, immature, etc. But the real issue here I guess is being kicked out which would devastate me, as fucked up as that sounds. I could easily go on with him for the next two years if I just was more careful, but afterwards? I don't know if it's a really viable path I'm willing to take.
This has fuckall to do with lolita, so sage