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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 53
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I'm trying to collect them all in one place, and I'm going to dump them the ones I've found so far here for everyone to see, etc. If you know any others, please post the links here. No tutorials, "Lolita Harlem Shake" videos, transformations, "how to have confidence while wearing lolita" or reviews. Creative content only, please. Documentaries are fine, but I personally don't have links to any.
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>>6872873 It's the top link here
>>6867056 Anonymous
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Just found this on Youtube : , I searched for 3 hours and ...nothing. It was nowhere to be found.
Quoted By: The movie seems to be impossible to found btw
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There are some lolitas in Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift, haha.
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MCM Expo is over until July when Manchester Expo happens, and upcoming events include Ayacon and Tokusatsu. Did you enjoy the weekend? Any fun stories to tell? Post some photos if you took some too.
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Anybody venturing more photos?
>>6873729 Also this guy got a good laugh from me
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>>6870798 >All that effort on costume >Orthopaedic shoes >>6870801 Cher Lloyd cosplay
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Quien es la mas creida de expomanga. ¿Hekady o Shanoa con su nariz gigante?
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>>6843932 jaja apenas se nota esa envidia por hekady eh xD es el unico cosplay que criticas ;)
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>>6844018 ¿¿¿quienes son vosotras???
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esta claro que son Madoka y Crispi con su séquito de lameculos que le tienen envidia a Yurai y Hikari
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>>6843346 league of noobs? Ganar?
Combates dos a dos, menuda mierda de actuación. Desde la anterior actuación del lOl que hubo en la anterior JW, novedad cero.
>>6843898 >1368740965496 Mierda de intento de armadura. Mierda de arma. Mierda de pantalones vaqueros.
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>>6837219 Mucho mejor que el par de tetas que ganaron? No era un par eran dos pares puesto que eran dos chicas pedazo de subnormal y no ganaron por que segun vosotros una de ellas enseñara, porque yo no vi que enseñaran nada solo sois un atajo de pajilleros de mierda, no sabeis hacer una critica constructiva, y ser unos misóginos despreciables. Criticando a hekady asi sin venir a cuento, y encima hablando tan a la ligera sobre lo que hace virchan o deja de hacer, de verdad, me habian dicho que solo sois un foro de pajilleros, no creí que lo fuera hasta tal punto, xDDDD. Solo estoy dando mi opinión eh? sin acritud, tios sin acritud!! PD: Buscaros novia y salid mas a la calle os vendra bien xDDDDDD
I don't even.... I leave for Fanime this past weekend and this is what happens at PCC!? DA FUCK PHOENIX KEEP YOUR HOES IN CHECK BUT DON'T MAKE THEM INTO A GROUP!
>>5897038 Well, who are some good AZ cosplayers? Suggestions? I know NyuNyu, she's amazing, and OwlDepot is awesome too. Anyone else who you guys think is good, and pics?
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>>5927201 The Arizona Ghostbusters are our only hope!
>>5919833 It was in Mesa! I hate Mesa so much
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>>5928136 Where do the weebs in Mesa congregate now that Atomic Comics is gone?
...Other than Quiznos. Bookmans maybe?
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Azpowergirl is a whorey woman and uses people. Rosanna seems sweet, but you can only be so easy and not get names thrown at you. Toni is awesome and sweet. Toni and Anna Von Winter are the saving graces in Arizona.
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Since this board is full of women. As a guy, how does it feel like to have boobs?
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What do boobs feel like?
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It a bag of sand, anon.
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Kind of annoying, sometimes hard to stuff them into my cosplays without getting muffin top. Fun to play with, but an annoyance when it comes to fitting costumes properly.
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>>6867863 It's not like you didn't used to have one.
Harrison !ILP1Kw7T5o
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What is /cgl/'s opinion of Maridah? Do you like her? Do you hate her? Things about her that Peeve you? Etc.
>>6185387 Nah, I just sense you're jelly
>>6185105 Pic related. She's had her hair dyed blonde for awhile, the picture you're referring too is pretty old.
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>>6185915 I don't like her hair blonde, it's too pale on her already pale face, it totally washes it out. I think she'd look nice with a darker color, like her eyebrows.
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I don't usually post in these threads, but this is one of those instances where I don't give two shits about what this girl is like IRL. I fucking love her Lina cosplay.
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>>6185915 >>6185387 She looks MUCH better with blonde hair. It really suits her skin tone.
I agree with first anon though, she's not all that exciting looking outside of cosplay. I guess people just like her for her moe plainness?
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I really have grown to know alot about her thoruhg many searches for pics and stuff to hear what whe talks like. I honestly wish I ent to more cons before to see some one like her there. She was pretty cool when I meet her she gave me an autograph, wish I ha a camera though.
It's been a while since I've been on here, so lets get to the good stuff. Any news on Sarah? How's that rich lolita scammer doing? I blame her for not being able to order my Misty Sky skirt.
I found a new lolcow
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>>6593840 it's really hilarious to me that these tumblr hardcore 'meat is murder!' vegans are typing away on computers... which are not vegan, and probably are in no way recycled (morale vegans tend to think that if you upcycle/get a recycled comp it doesn't count, even though it's still not vegan).
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Urg, people like her give Vegans/Vegetarians a bad name. I'm not veggie but I do respect people who are, as long as they are smart and polite about their choice. I'm a big advocate for healthy eating and raising plants and animals with care. But she just doesn't even seem to know what shes talking about. She's worse than PETA levels of stupid.
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>>6593892 >When a man rapes a woman it is always rape. Either that was a typo or I just dont know what. Rape is always rape. They dont want to have sex with you (regardless of gender) and you force them to anyways, it is rape. Rape is always rape. I am so confused. Did she mean every time a guy has sex with a girl it's rape? Cause no it's not but I've heard some people (who are lacking in the brain department) claim that before. But gah.
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>>6594625 To be fair, not all of them hate their natural genitals, but thinking that they are "beautiful" is rare.
I'd tell you how I know this but I feel that I'd get a lot of flak for it
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Someone post her vagina so we can trigger it
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So /cgl/...have you EVER seen Command & Conquer cosplay at events? I've personally only seen like one or maybe two standard Nod soldiers at ACEN, and thats it. I understand RTS isn't really that demographic, but surely there has to be more? I also ask because Im thinking of doing one, and wondering how little anyone would recognize
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There were at least 3 nod cosplayers at ACEN 2013 to my knowledge. One was from Tib Wars and the other two were a hybrid of Renegade and Tib Sun.
Red Alert 2 was my jam back in the day. I played the other games too but none of them were as much fun as that except for maybe Renegade. 9/10 would take a picture especially if it was a Tanya cosplay.
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>>6862133 I've thought of doing a Nick Parker / Sakura cosplay
with my wife Anonymous
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>>6862133 I've thought of doing a Nick Parker / Sakura cosplay
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So...anyone? Its sad when you only occasionally see one Nod guy
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So frillies, there are two big lolita events coming up this summer- Frock On and Austen and the Abbey. Which are you going to? What are you looking forward to? Any disappointments/complaints? What are you wearing?
>>6828951 I'm going to Frock on, I hadn't heard about Austen and the Abbey until fairly recently - was it not as well publicised?
>>6829270 To be fair the tours are like £9 but I get what you mean it would be nice to do something a little more substantial like go to the aquarium
>>6829371 No problem
>>6829392 It doesn't seem to have been advertised as well, no, and also it's not a TPC thing, it's a smaller group called 'sweet sensibility' or something for both lolita and Jane Austen stuff. I just knew about it because it got posted on my local page. Super hyped for it though, should be such a nice weekend. Going to dance at a ball in my burando~
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>>6829446 Damn I wish I'd heard about this earlier, I too want to dance at a ball in my burando
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Hi. I'm a primary Japanese translator for the Austen and the Abbey. Those who don't know about the event, you can join and know about our facebook page from Anonymous
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I'm going to both I think but Austen and the Abbey looks much better IMO. It's like Frock On but bigger isn't it? All the shops + brand people + balls and live singing and activities
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Who is ginny mcqueen? A few of my friends have been talking about her cosplays recently and I figured you guys would know a bit about her.
all her nudes are on anonib. she likes getting naked a lot.
>>6277460 Isn't she married?
hitrar !yUSxOOmtts
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>>6274429 Her nudes were for modelmayhem, not a paysite. Free nudes.
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>>6277462 Yeah but Ginny's husband is probably regretting marrying her. She doesn't have a job, and she sits around on the internet all day making videos of herself talking about really vapid bullshit. Her whole purpose in life is to attention whore. He probably feels like he's supporting a retard child who looks 30.
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She's now divorced, still unemployed, trying to raise money on indiegogo and people are actually giving to her, yet she never delivers what she promises when begging for money for rent, web hosting, etc. She will probably bail to England when she gets enough, hopefully never to be seen or heard from again. Then her whole drama will start again.