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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 58

Chun Li Cosplayer

No.5967966 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I saw her at AM2. Who is this girl? So pretty!
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LollipopProject critiques?

No.6652757 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright guys I don't know what's compelling me to do this. Actually I lied, I do, anonymous critics are the best because they don't have to save face. So long as someone's able to tell the difference between trolls and actually useful criticism.
I give you guys this website to discuss. What features of it do you like and what things do you think need to change/upgrade?

>inb4 some girls haven't uploaded their member photos, we're working on that, we've only been in this for a little over 1 week.
Also the moving .gifs will be destroyed when I get the new layout programmed.
I realize it's a blogspot as well, I'm not very fond of blogspot but I did the best I could with it for now (after the manager set up the site/layout initially. It merited some serious tweaking.)
I'm trying to find out more or less what kind of content you seagulls expect from an idol group.

If any of you find the most recent blog related to fashion, feel free to critique the uniform boot customization concepts.
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No.5950477 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Just discovered Pastelbat and I love her style! Where can I get a headband like this?
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Naruto shippuden jacket for sale

No.6372821 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Yo im trying to get rid of this Naruto Shippuden jacket. New without tags, wore it one time. Just been sitting in my closet forever man. Email me for details! Lookin to just get rid of this. Perfect for cosplay! Make offers! Email for more pics!

Katsucon 2013, continued

No.6642345 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Now back to your regularly scheduled cosplay drama and photodumping.
229 posts and 79 images omitted

No.6252625 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Anyone got any good Con Elevator stories?

I'll open:

>A-Fest 2012

>Dressed as Franken Stein from Soul Eater
>Its late at night
>Coming back from the rave.
>Waiting for an elevator.
>Elevator doors open.
>Its pitch black inside.
>People have been stealing lightbulbs out of the elevators
>there's at least ten, non-congoing men in the elevator.
>Squeeze in anyways.
>Doors close.
>Its fucking dark.
>It's silent as hell.
> Suddenly, from the silence and dark comes a single phrase.

>"You goin' to the orgy?
Pic unrelated to story/related to topic.
108 posts and 20 images omitted

No.6449083 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Which famous con people have you met? Who's your least favorite con celeb? From what I see it's universally Vic Micknockknock.
269 posts and 45 images omitted

No.6399760 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
JNig's another Pokeman ya'lls
287 posts and 64 images omitted

sugar daddy

No.6624770 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
anyone else wears lolite and has a sugar daddy?
I have my first meet with a POT in 2 weeks and I'm already nervous. He's a CEO of a large technology firm.
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