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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 58
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I saw her at AM2. Who is this girl? So pretty!
>>5969493 It's a legitimate complaint in this case:
Platform boots ruin costumes if the character depicted does not wear them. They are a shit element, seriously.
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>>5973506 Their point was that there weren't any stripper heels and it's a decent costume, but cgl is complaining anyways. I think you read that wrong.
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does anyone have a picture of the super terrible Sora and Kairi at AM2? They were there on Saturday
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I talked with her about her boots since I wanted to cosplay Chun in the future. She said she painted the boots and replaced the black laces with white ones.
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She is actually Filipino. And she actually does play the game and is very passionate about it, hence why she does the correct poses.
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Alright guys I don't know what's compelling me to do this. Actually I lied, I do, anonymous critics are the best because they don't have to save face. So long as someone's able to tell the difference between trolls and actually useful criticism. I give you guys this website to discuss. What features of it do you like and what things do you think need to change/upgrade?>inb4 some girls haven't uploaded their member photos, we're working on that, we've only been in this for a little over 1 week. Also the moving .gifs will be destroyed when I get the new layout programmed. I realize it's a blogspot as well, I'm not very fond of blogspot but I did the best I could with it for now (after the manager set up the site/layout initially. It merited some serious tweaking.) I'm trying to find out more or less what kind of content you seagulls expect from an idol group. If any of you find the most recent blog related to fashion, feel free to critique the uniform boot customization concepts.
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Okay, here's the thing, copying Japan isn't the way to become an idol.Using Japanese names, too many emotes and singing in Japanese when you are clearly not Japanese just make you look stupid. Try being cute in your own nation's way. It won't seem so fake or tryhard. Plus, maybe you'll actually be interesting instead of weeby.
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and what is going to be done differently to oishii? oishii aren't going to be anything more than con-famous.
and this lot would be lucky to even do that.
This isn't original or particularly interesting anymore.
>>6653938 I never got the impression that beckii was a cunt? what makes you think so?
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>>6653958 Why? This video could be on loop everyday, no problems.
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>read one blog post >fuck this
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Just discovered Pastelbat and I love her style! Where can I get a headband like this?
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>>5952752 you still haven't replied to my question
>>5952143 >ok sadfrog.jpg
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>>5952736 holy shit that one is awesome
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>>5951297 She doesn't have that much though, maybe 20-30 clothing items + accessories. Most of her coordinates reuse the same pieces over & over
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PB sounds buttmad in here. Her fashion looks like J street fashion. She probably do a lot of research from magazine scans and street photos. I really don't think she looks original, maybe because I've seen a lot of J street photos. Those people are far more creative than she is, but they don't have a tumblr.
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shes turned into a internet whore. " " bitch posting herself in her underwear and sucking in her stomach. then says dumb shit like "thank you,anon-chan UvU" when she gets a compliment. bullshit. shes turned into some self centered bitch. she used to be pretty cool. being a whore isnt "kawaii"
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Yo im trying to get rid of this Naruto Shippuden jacket. New without tags, wore it one time. Just been sitting in my closet forever man. Email me for details! Lookin to just get rid of this. Perfect for cosplay! Make offers! Email for more pics!
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I'd like to buy this jacket if you're still selling it!
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I'd like to buy this jacket if you're still selling it!
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I'd like to buy this jacket if you're still selling it!
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I'd like to buy this jacket if you're still selling it!
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Now back to your regularly scheduled cosplay drama and photodumping.
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>>6659872 >She's not even wearing blush. It's just the photo. See:
>>6643026 Anonymous
>>6643013 Am I the only one who doesn't like Angela's sakizo?
It's very well done, but with all the rumors floating around, who can say if it was all her work.
It's just not a flattering costume though. The wig and collar and sleeves make her neck disappear and her face looks so much rounder. It worked for Napoleon. this one? Not so much.
And I am tired of that same dead expression. Girl needs to learn how to move her face.
>>6660777 Nope, you're not alone. While it is well made, it's not a flattering look for her on multiple aspects. And I agree, the rumors are enough to cast a shadow of legit doubt: I don't see how someone can go from the "cosplay level" where you buy costumes because you are inexperienced at sewing to suddenly being at professional costumer level over such a short period of time especially when it's someone that young.
>>6661317 >professional costumer level >had to safety pin costume together because it fell apart. I have my own miffs with her, but i'm pretty sure she made it herself. I feel like her blog would be difficult to fake. And aside from her improving quickly I've seen no solid proof that the rumors are anything other than just that, rumors.
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>>6661334 >And aside from her improving quickly I've seen no solid proof that the rumors are anything other than just that, rumors. Considering that she's homeschooled, there's no reason for her not to improve quickly. It's not like she doesn't have plenty of time to practice and learn, since she and her family decide the order, timing and content of her lessons to a degree. She has said in the past that her parents treat the sewing as her "extra curricular" and all that.
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Anyone got any good Con Elevator stories? I'll open:>A-Fest 2012 >Dressed as Franken Stein from Soul Eater >Its late at night >Coming back from the rave. >Waiting for an elevator. >Elevator doors open. >Its pitch black inside. >People have been stealing lightbulbs out of the elevators >there's at least ten, non-congoing men in the elevator. >Squeeze in anyways. >Doors close. >Its fucking dark. >It's silent as hell. > Suddenly, from the silence and dark comes a single phrase. >"You goin' to the orgy? Pic unrelated to story/related to topic.
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Mine doesn’t really involve being in an elevator, but involves someone getting off. I guess I'll just post it anyway...? At AX 12 we stayed at the Westin and was placed on the 10th floor, the lowest room floors. On top of that, everyone would be able to see into our room since ours was placed right by one of the glass elevators. We didn’t really like this, but later on actually began to not mind it as we’d sometimes try to get the attention of attendees in the elevators (though not many actually looked our way, minus a few who actually responded).> Come day 3, midnight > One of the roommates and I just chilling in the room, watching whatever on tv and planning to leave to karaoke a little later > Spot someone in the elevator, wave to them > Minecraft Creeper cosplayer who actually looks back at me but does nothing else > "Hey Sarah someone actually responded for once." > Look from room mate to the elevator > "... hey the elevator stopped on our floor." > Next thing we know there is a slow rhythmic knocking on our door > go look through peephole, Sarah and I laughing/freaking out in confusion that it was the Creeper from the elevator > repeated knocking, do nothing > silence and see that they are not around anymore > 5 minutes later SAME RHYTHMIC KNOCKING RETURNS > THEY WERE IDLING AROUND > eventually they stop, Sarah and I actually kinda freaked out > when we finally leave we’re just looking around our area to make sure they’re not around before we go to the elevator
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Anime Expo 2011 We had a room near the elevators Eating Chinese for Lunch, resting while looking out window Friend spots hot man stripping in the elevators we squish faces against window stared at him while he was going down we both were happy for the rest of the night
I guess at the time it wasn't funny but now its defiantly the greatest con elevator experience I have ever had. I was staying on the Marriott side at Fanime a few years ago on the 20th floor. It was ridiculously hot that year. I was cosplaying Berserker Rikku from FFX-2, so in a bikini. I stayed relativity cool because of my costume but it was still uncomfortably hot at mid day. Of course the combination of the heat and not getting any sleep from the night, before ( its not what you think! :P Half of the people in my room where in and out making lots of noise from 10pm to 8am) I ended up getting really nauseous. I head back to my room to change and just chill for a bit and of course I get stuck at the elevator for about 30 minutes. By the time the elevator comes I'm having cold sweats and I'm starting to salivate a lot. I get in the elevator and some douche who had just exited hits the buttons for almost every floor. The elevator fills to the brim with people and starts to go. Now the elevators in the hotel is like high speed or something, and because we are stopping at every floor between the 1st to 20th I'm staring to get motion sickness and the body heat from the stuffed elevator really isn't helping. At the 19th floor I begin to feel my esophagus start to burn and at the 20th floor I'm vomiting in my mouth. :D Luckily my room was the closest to the elevator. I burst through the people and make it to the sink just in time to blow chunks. The best part was one of my friends walks into the room about a minute later and gets to witness my glorious vom session while I was in my Berserker fur bikini and gets a pic of it.
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>>6282748 You poor thing! D:
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>>6277054 Nice! I've got a similar one (Tekko 5)
>First con elevator ride ever >Elevator going down shows up >Person dressed as Patient demon is in-character rocking within >I step in >The thing continues to rock >We almost touched faces >I don't think I breathed the whole way down
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Which famous con people have you met? Who's your least favorite con celeb? From what I see it's universally Vic Micknockknock.
>>6449117 Yeah J Michael Tatum is pretty awesome. A good friend of mine is actually real close pals with him believe it or not. Actually he went to Texas recently to visit him and got to check out funimation studios that lucky son of a bitch! im so jelly
>>6449423 I love Scott hes my favorite voice actor he will chat with ya for ever and chew the fat. super cool guy even if you haven't seen any of his work at least talk to the guy hes awesome
>>6463802 The Funimation building isn't really THAT amazing. I assure you. Everyone is pretty damn normal and it looks like a recording studio.
Gooby !!9bx/Kpg/gDH
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>>6450348 He's a laid-back kid. When I went to his panel with Vic McDerpaderp, he told us how he crashed his cars and shit. Well, when he could anyways, cause mcderp kept talking and wouldn't stfu for a second.
Slutcliff !!oApGYJz0ghp
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>>6463959 Yep. I was there for two hours to record some bit parts for a show Joel McDonald was directing, and a WALLA session headed by Jerry Jewell. The only interesting things were the background picture that kept randomly appearing on the monitor in my recording booth [pic related, the background] and the fact that Mr Jewell decided to stare at me through the WALLA booth window while playing with a screwdriver as myself and two others recorded.
There's honestly nothing magical about the place, although the large anime prints on the walls are pretty neat.
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Lisa Ortiz is uber awesome. Shes one of the hardest workers I've ever met and shes very down to earth too.
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I'm testing the power to reply to archives.
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JNig's another Pokeman ya'lls
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>>6422045 Even more stupid was how this was posted days earlier and has already been debunked. Then some retard comes in and asks the same thing all over again and can't get a clue.
>>6399807 >>6422094 Yup, she's definitely not trying anymore.
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>>6424867 Dude her Ash cosplay is one of her older ones.
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anyone else wears lolite and has a sugar daddy? I have my first meet with a POT in 2 weeks and I'm already nervous. He's a CEO of a large technology firm.
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Yes I have a sugar daddy and buys all the stuff I want
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I just got into the idea of this too actually. I'd rather find someone who wants to talk than fuck though.
This is so pathetic. Get a job. Where are the janitors?
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>>6624920 >janitors Supporting censorship? What in the world is wrong with you.
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You are a disgrace for the lolita community , whoring yourselves for brand is so pathetic (sex or not).