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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 64

Dutch Thread: "Just Some Smelly Fucking Weebs" Edition

No.9160585 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous Thread: >>9149720

Previously, on Dutch Thread:
>Lots and lots of (pre-)Abunai talk, questions and room check speculation.
>"Cosplay competitions are unfair to those who don't know how to make a costume!"
>TomoParty happened and... they ran out of food before dinner.
>CosplayNL Drama Bomb
>Complaints about the weather, which is fitting
>The meet was meh apparently
>Staying cool 101
>GamePit coup

Convention news:
>Abunai and ACC are taking place as we speak. Have fun everyone!

Next five /cgl/ related events:
>Abunai! (August 26th - 28th, Veldhoven NB) is the other big anime convention. It's going on NOW and Sunday tickets are still available!
>Amsterdam Comic Con (August 27th & 28th, Amsterdam NH) is a comic fair very similar to DCC, except this one is hosted by Showmasters. Tickets start at €15 a day.
>Elfia (September 24rd & 25th, Arcen LB) is an outdoor medieval/fantasy convention. The programming is still in the making so there's not a lot I can really say about it yet.
>Tomofair (October 1st & 2nd, Nijmegen GLD) is a cheap small fair with anime, manga and other J-culture relevant items. Just keep your expectations low and you might find yourself having a fun day.
>First Look (October 7th - 9th, Utrecht) is a gaming convention in the Jaarbeurs. They have a cosplay compo where judges mocked contestants last year.
Full Dutch convention agenda: If there are any cons missing form the list, make sure to post it in the thread so I can add them.
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No.9156280 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Reposting questions from the previous thread, eons ago:

Do you smoke in your brand? Before meet ups? DURING meetups? Do you have other stoner lolita friends?

Post your piece!
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Anyone know this cosplayer?

No.6461084 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone know who this is?

YukaPon is a sadistic liar

No.6460603 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
If you guys were wondering what really happened with Yukapon, I have all the information. As a former friend of her and Akira I can say that Yuka wasn't raped at all but made that up to use Akira as a scapegoat. He didn't delete, hack or do any thing to her. In fact it was a hacker from the midwest.

The hacker happened to be African American and Yuka's ex(while she was dating Akira Skyhigh). Yuka has plenty of friends that are of color, but for some reason she seriously didn't want anyone to affiliate her with dating a black guy. It's because of some family thing. For more information about what Yuka did to Akira and how she sadistically used her, you can find out from his own personal narrative:

As Yuka's former friend, I can say that she gossiped about a ton of dancers anonymously to try and boost her reputation online. But it backfired when Keekihime ditched on meeting her in Japan and Venus' mom exposed her sex tapes. Yes besides the pee video there are sex tapes.

I'm not here to slut shame her. But the world deserves to know what terrible, horrible friend and manipulator she is. I think Yuka has some type of mental problems to be honest.

Her current "boyfriend", Harajuku model Junnyan is 33 years old, and is used Yuka. In fact he won't even respond to her. Hopefully her experience of being used will humble her a bit. She's seriously not right in the head.
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No.6401902 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Were/are any of you guys at/going to Eirtakon this year? Pic related, a bunch of random people who all happened to be cosplaying as different Avengers got together for a few photos.
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!!jXa1xyIyNUh No.6458290 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is it so hard to find girls who are willing to dress up as Magical Girl Sayaka-chan and still be attractive?

/cgl/, are you even trying?
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Artist Alley General

No.6160783 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Didn't see one anywhere, though I've been away for a bit.

>First timers
>Asking questions
>Where the fuck do I get good prints?

I managed to pick up a 6-cube wire shelving set at Target for about $20 after taxes. If you're looking for those, that's the best prince I was able to find. They make for great displays!
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No.6437170 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
New Maiko thread since >>6434280 is autosaging

New facts:
-her mom probably is dead
-AP SF got hit
-she fucking has misty sky
-nobody really knows the real story regarding who started the chargebacks
-some people are still out money, while some have gotten theirs back
-nobody's called the police

I'm probably missing some stuff, but that's all that's happened since the last thread
335 posts and 22 images omitted

Homestuck General

No.6445396 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You know the drill. Old thread is in autosage: >>6440113
231 posts and 99 images omitted

No.6441367 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I had pretty oily combination skin, but washing and moisturizing took care of it...

but now whenever I put it on, a couple hours later my face is just pumping out oil -- like I can see the tiny beads from my pores on my nose. I was in a rush for work a couple days ago and didn't bother with it, and my face stayed dry and clear.


Pic related, it's what I've been using