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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 67

No.6296963 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Yaya Han hate thread. Oh and remember don't talk about her tits.
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Any other brolitas out there?

No.6065108 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I wanna see like, the best Brolita on the internet please. Nominate them! (P.S. I know I'm not the best, I just felt like this'd be a good start)
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No.6378387 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What should I cosplay as?
4 posts omitted

Doll Delight

No.6364346 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
what are you doing sweetie.
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No.5948041 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright, I tried this a couple days ago, but
unfortunately nothing came of it.

Maybe this can be a general /cgl/ sale&trade thread, as well?

Well, I need money pretty quickly, so let's try this again. I want to sell 4 Bodyline items, worn once (to try them on), still with tags and original wrapping, all of them size M.

• Skirt - L005 in blue

• Skirt - L353 in black

• Dress - L304 (Antique Clock) in grey

• JSK - L174 in offwhite;

I also have three wigs I could sell. Two are dusty pink, with one being a Miku wig with 150cm long clip-ons, the other a straight, unstyled med. long (~80cm) wig with long bangs. Third wig is also about 80cm long, platinum blond and semi-curly (but also tangles easily).

I'm thinking 10-15$ per item (without shipping).

Please keep in mind that I'll be shipping from Europe.

Please e-mail me if interested!

No.5998037 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey does anybody in the Toronto cosplay community know this kid, I saw him at anime north and never got the chance to say hi. Anybody know who he is?
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No.6358352 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Frankly, my local comm SUCKS. I'm talking 16-year olds wearing kids' jumpers, MLP belts, handmade headdresses that might actually BE maxi pads, combat boots, uninterested boyfriends as accessories, the works. How would I gauge interest/start a new one without being seen as elitist or hated? It might be unavoidable, but I want to associate myself with people who are actually invested in the hobby. Everyone here is so "I want to order from this super-cool site called Milanoo but my parents don't trust ordering online :(((((." The moderator of the facebook group doesn't even live in my state, for crying out loud!
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Female Crossplayers

No.6083271 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/cgl/, I'm getting really annoyed of the females in my cosplay community who think they make awesome, sexy males.
They throw some black eyeshadow on their chins/upper lips and think they're totally believable guys.
Avengers movie characters seem to be the main thing right now. Tony Starks everywhere (Hey, just throw on some aviators and draw facial hair on and you look just like him, obviously!).

Are there any other cosplay communities that have an extreme amount of this? Their ridiculous roleplaying and Facebook name changes are really getting on my nerves. I've only got one person added who does this, but the amount of people that go along with it is seemingly... abnormal.
106 posts and 36 images omitted

No.6108461 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey Texas congoers! I was curious, since they've been at Matsuri, Texas Comic-Con, El Paso Summercon, Delta H Con, Mizuumi-Con, GATOcon, Comic Palooza, Anime Overload, Oni-Con, Ikki-Con, and are showing up at San Japan..

Do any of you know After Midnight Productions? What are your opinions on them? I was offered to work with them, have a really good friend in the cast, and have helped them at Ikki-Con, but they're filled with drama. Wanted to know if any of you actually know about them, since they're all over every damn con.

This is them at Ikki-Con. I tagged along with them on this one.

No.5905724 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Sachie Ai thread.

>dat feel you'll never date a hyper-aggressive, masculinized half-Asian, half white girl.

According to her website,

"I feel like I am a very direct person. I hate it when people are shady or can't make a set decision. Usually my super dominant mode kicks in and I have to make a decision"

"At university, I generally seem like a very antisocial person lol. I'm a very social person outside of school though! [editor's note: This is not true]

And finally, a thousand hours of her doing photoshop.
261 posts and 41 images omitted