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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 69

No.6150676 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Heroman cosplay????
Has it been done? A bit obscure I admit but good series regardless!

/If fails - obscure cosplay thread - or general cosplay request thread
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No.6036385 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Bronies and Pegasisters, you'll have an apple-buckin' time with this new set with Tyto returning as our favorite country filly, AppleJack in "Apple Pie"
Join today to see it all!

Genderbended cosplay

No.6076997 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
May i know who is the cosplayer on the left? (boy as girl)
thanks! and post Girl as boy, boy as girl!
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No.6244780 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Oh god, seriously this girl is hilarious.
She claims her masurements to be:
B- 37
W- 28

I can hardly imagine someone with such a fat face to have this measurements.
She also always tags her pictures with the "living doll" shit.
Seriously, that stupid fad needs to die, now.
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No.6146972 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
If he looked/smelled okay and wasn't overweight, would you be willing to snuggle with a guy at a con for money?

If so, for how much?
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Belgian Cosplay General

No.6152122 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Since Belgian Cosplay Discussion has been running for several threads now, let's just condense everything together.

Last time on BCG:

>Hoshicon has no dealers, sponsors or events
>Kelly van Gorp: gothic mode
>Wes Lesley and THOK: newest scum of Belgian Cosplay?
>Kelly van Gorp: Thousands of euros in debt.
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No.5968379 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I come here on /cgl/ because I'm very mad. Let me introduce you that I have no time to design my own cosplay with school and work I have no time. So as you guess I buy mine.

Recently, I bought a costume of Suite Precure of Cure Melody from the website HelloCosplay.

Here the costume that I should have receive.

I come here to tell you that they make the costume in 5 days. It has been poorly gone. They messed with my measurements. I paid for extra part that I didn't received. Its look like the sewer/designer was on drugs when he was making that shit.

Honeslty, for the one who buy from them dont do it! You'll receive a shitty costume like mine.

Sorry for my english, I'm sad and tired!

Pic. related that what I receive with a comparaison from their demo.
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METRO 2033 Helmet

No.6239107 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi guys, im making a METRO 2033 cosplay, and i want to 3d-print a helmet/gasmask (with, but first i need a 3d model of it. I tried to decompile the game and save the helmet file in another format, but im a noob and i failed. Can anyone help me, please?

I need it to be saved into one of this formats: STL, OBJ, X3D, DAE, Collada or VRML97/2 (WRL)

Thanks, really.

No.6157046 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey /cgl/, I know some of you take Lingzhi diet pills and I just wanted to give you a heads up.

I lost the email address of my usual seller and had to buy from somewhere else; I saw on Annie May's twitter she had been advertising a site to her friends. I figured if she told her friends to use it , then it must be legit! I was wrong. DO NOT BUY FROM THEY ARE FAKE.
I am not sure why a girl would give fake pills to her friends. Goodness knows what is in them. The one I broke open looked kind of shiny, like a makeup product.

Again, just don't buy from them.

Does anyone have a site that I can buy from? As my seller is no longer active anyway it turns out :(
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No.6263791 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are you going?
What are you gonna cosplay?
Participate in the compo ?
Who to avoid ?
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