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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 72

No.6107071 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Even her passport says she's 16. When will y'all give up?
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male cosplay

No.6151759 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
cosplay newbie here, i'm heading to dragoncon this year and i'm interested in either schoolgirl or maid cosplay- how do males go about finding outfits? How comfortable should I expect to be (heat-wsie) in downtown Atlanta? Is it considered bad taste to not take the cosplay too seriously?
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No.6143177 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
People are arranging a Homestuck meet (read: gathering of loud, obnoxious individuals) at Eirtakon, and Eirtakon officials are alright with that.

Oh they're in for a surprise.

As well as that, I'm put off attending now.
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No.6078843 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.6120958 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Could we get a non-magical-girl-outfit madoka cosplay thread going? I'm a huge fan of the series and that's usually all I see from it (with some kyuubeys and charlottes) cosplay wise. So, other witches, school uniforms, familiars, non magical girl characters, whatever. If you've seen anything cool, post it here.
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No.6156049 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
really oishii, really?
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No.6051219 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Help seagulls! Who is this beautiful cosplayer in kimono?
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No.6111638 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So Devin is moving to Canada, allegedly.

Since the first thread on him showed up, a few girls have been questioning him and he's been "stressed out" by "humans".
He's been denying everything and has possible lost some of his financial sources from some of his fangirls.

It is unknown how he is moving to Canada, however, seeing as he has no job and was living with his mom.
Most likely an unaware girl is paying for him.
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No.6141716 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So he's trying to make his own con now?
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No.8999340 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Cons are either super expensive guest fest or frat boy parties
>Japanese guests rarely seen
>More dub/cosplay nonbodies booked at "guests of honor" at high profile events
>Bad management plagues 90% of cons that enforce policies that either cripple the information flow or just dick attendees and staff

What the hell is happening to CA cons?
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