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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 72
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Even her passport says she's 16. When will y'all give up?
>>6107101 5/5
I don't think she edited it into a 5 because the 5 remains consistent the whole video. But there's enough evidence combating that she's +18. She's very manipulating and this could have very well been a fake passport.
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>>6107116 lol you are beyond pathetic, 4realz.
Bravo very well could have provided her with a fake. Let's not forget the ostrengas like to lie in many official documents anyway~
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>>6107116 >>6107118 this is some straight-up delusion tbh.
i used to think she was 18, but there's enough evidence she isn't that i believe her. she seems like she's 16 in that video.
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just an FYI, and you guys can google to back me up, the months on an American passport are usually in caps (OE: JAN, or in her case SEP). Dakotas passport has all of the months lower cased.
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cosplay newbie here, i'm heading to dragoncon this year and i'm interested in either schoolgirl or maid cosplay- how do males go about finding outfits? How comfortable should I expect to be (heat-wsie) in downtown Atlanta? Is it considered bad taste to not take the cosplay too seriously?
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>>6151834 Don't sage on topic threads.
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>>6151796 >I was inspired by a touhou cosplayer who had the whole outfit but wore mirrored aviators and had very hairy legs. No fucking joke this sounds like a description of my boyfriend.
sage because I have no contribution, but I wish you luck OP. Try cosmates, Fan+Friend and bodyline for maid/school girl outfits that come in larger/customizable sizes.
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If you can, grow a beard. No wig/hairy legs won't distinguish you from a shitty serious trap, but the beard will be a glorious beacon of silliness.
People are arranging a Homestuck meet (read: gathering of loud, obnoxious individuals) at Eirtakon, and Eirtakon officials are alright with that. Oh they're in for a surprise. As well as that, I'm put off attending now.
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I've only ever been to one Homestuck meetup...well, 3, I went to the three there were at the wizard world comic con in chicago this last weekend, and they were all perfectly fine. No buckets, no being obnoxious, hell, we even went to an out of the way corner to be out of the way of everyone else, it was actually really nice...granted that was my only experience with it, but it was a damn good one! I met loads of awesome people and even made some new friends. Was what I saw really the huge of an exception?
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>Oh no, people I don't like are gathering, what ever shall I do?! Why on earth isn't the convention against this, I mean, I don't like them, isn't that enough? Just don't go to where they're meeting up (I know, it's genius!)
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>>6143177 Okay, I'm not even a fan of Homestuck, but are you retarded? There's meetups for almost EVERY FANDOM EVER at almost every single con I've ever been to.
And now you're not going because of one group of people who you don't even have to associate with are hanging out? Actually no, stay at home. Con might be best without you.
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I was the one who started that thread and the last thing anyone needs is a complaining thread starter. So I'm going to be rational and say that maybe you should, I don't know AVOID the gathering I started. Besides everyone was very polite when I talked to them so I highly doubt there will be any problems.
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Her and PT need to get together and do some Chun Li shots: Electric Boogaloo.
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>>6078891 her thighs are actually really nice, yes they're big but they don't appear to be flabby or have cellulite.
I think she would so much better with a wig...
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Daayumn Op is she a model?
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first of all I just moved to that apartment. so I am sorry that is it messy. It is pristine now. And no I am not model. So please refrain from calling me disgusting or anything else when you do not know me. thank you. And those who said nice things thank you very much. This was something I would never ever do. I was very uncomfortable.
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Also my father died as well. Wasnt in the mood. so please stop talking about this.
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Could we get a non-magical-girl-outfit madoka cosplay thread going? I'm a huge fan of the series and that's usually all I see from it (with some kyuubeys and charlottes) cosplay wise. So, other witches, school uniforms, familiars, non magical girl characters, whatever. If you've seen anything cool, post it here.
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>>6142805 The one that follows the anime is pretty faithful. The only things I can think of that they added on the top of my head is the poodle witch that Sayaka kills and a small 'afterlife' portion that shows Kyouko and Sayaka hitting it up.
I've only read Oriko, so I can't help you there. There's always the movies, PSP game and various fangames to look forward to though. (Grief Syndrome's especially fun with friends)
Diana !9xa.jR8E8Y
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>>6121044 I'm glad you all like my homewrecker cosplay.
Here is some more non Magical Girl cosplay.
Diana !9xa.jR8E8Y
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And some Poorf@g with cardboard box TV and direct line to Dear Mother in Heaven.
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really oishii, really?
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>>6178562 I wonder what's happened?
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>>6179704 This is true... I'm so disappointed.
are they ever going to get anywhere? i mean they delay everything and never give out information.
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>>6183025 I don't think releasing info is much of an issue, or even delaying because sometimes it happens. And as far as I'm aware there has only been one delay.
The idols just need to be more out there with the fans and people waiting. Making more videos, blogging, etc. But it just seems like it's a side project next to their original online personas.
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>>6178630 They're from the same shithole you're from ashley, you fuck the hell back off to the C&E thread now.
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Help seagulls! Who is this beautiful cosplayer in kimono?
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Could it be nikki Hatsune, maybe?
>>6052641 You are a wonderful person.
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>>6053273 Ma'am, flattery will get you everywhere. ;)
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It’s Nikki Hatsune ^^
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So Devin is moving to Canada, allegedly. Since the first thread on him showed up, a few girls have been questioning him and he's been "stressed out" by "humans". He's been denying everything and has possible lost some of his financial sources from some of his fangirls. It is unknown how he is moving to Canada, however, seeing as he has no job and was living with his mom. Most likely an unaware girl is paying for him.
>>6115283 Same, Summerfags and their stories amuse me.
>>6115288 Your friend is going to get what he deserves.
One day, he's going to flirt with the wrong girl and their boyfriend is going to beat the literal shit out of him.
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>>6115327 Thats a cool story.
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>>6111727 OMG. All of this is fucking true. Not to mention he has 'pictures' of underaged girls.
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I'm guessing the one defending him is his friend Cody. Or whatever the fuck his name is.
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So he's trying to make his own con now?
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>>6143918 Whoah, what con was it? Can't say anything with this guy surprises me especially when it comes to dishonesty.
My girlfriend's friend told us one time while we were planning to go to a con with our little group last year that this guy kissed her and led her on for an entire con a year or so earlier and she didn't want to go as a result, after she'd learned how many cons he went to.
Luckily we convinced her to go and we all had a fun time, but whatever he did to her messed with her.
Whoa these stories are lame, what has /cgl/ even come to? Lets get some threads with real drama rather than just obvious grudge threads.
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>>6143903 She is a fucking fat weaboo. Also, She needs to learn how to change clothes. She wears the same shit in every single picture, and everytime I saw the ugly bitch. She tries to pass off as "Lolita" but she needs to stop. She's fucking nasty. Also, she talked mad shit about Devin, and she was with him the last time I saw her. She's nothing but a bag of assholes, just like him.
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>>6144080 They're not grudge threads. They're all fucking true.
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>Cons are either super expensive guest fest or frat boy parties >Japanese guests rarely seen >More dub/cosplay nonbodies booked at "guests of honor" at high profile events >Bad management plagues 90% of cons that enforce policies that either cripple the information flow or just dick attendees and staff What the hell is happening to CA cons?
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Sacwin had popular SU guest so you can imagine the shitty crowd that came with it but I had fun being drunk anyway. Made a few friends, it was pretty okay Fanime is going to be fun, it always is but only if you know a lot of people going ig? The night life is fun, there's a lot to do since it's a 24 hour con and I'm not just talking parties, the late night panels are pretty cringey so you should go if you want a good laugh. idk if you're sociable the Cali con scene can be pretty fun, but the cons themselves are kinda lacking in interesting guests and are usually poorly organized.
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>>9007053 Sent you an email!
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>>9000492 SDCC has less to do with comics now
more to do with mainstram tv shows movies and rarely video games
but most of the time it's walking dead panels, big bang theory and generic marvel movie summer 20XX edition
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>>9000466 >>9000492 >>9000967 what these anons said. I went to SDCC for 4 years and honestly, I regret it. It's hot and humid and its more of a TV show and retro comic convention. If you don't care about either of those I'd recommend not going. If you REALLY want to check it out, ghost the con. I would end up hanging around outside because that's where most of the party is anyway, plus people hand out free shit occasionally and a lot of photographers/news crews are outside of the con anyway.
If you're still keen on going, good luck not getting fucked by badge registration lol