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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 76

No.5983336 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Sup, im opening a cosplay store in Tijuana México, and i want to know what you like to see in a cosplay/anime store.

Pic realated.
97 posts and 16 images omitted

Akaicon 2015/MTAC 15

No.8518230 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Anyone on here going to Akaicon 2015? in TN Also has anyone on here attended MTAC? If so, any pics or stories?
93 posts and 6 images omitted

No, really, just photos this time

No.8870703 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
post your Katsu photos and not
General discussion >>8865574
The maid cafe >>8854954
SU cosplay at Katsu >>8868219

Yes, people destroyed the hotel, there was a fire, it was cold

Now post pictures
321 posts and 114 images omitted

Lolita General

No.8939943 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A release nobody asked for edition

Old general >>8931798

Bodyline >>8921303
Taobao >>8935588
ebay >>8926310
Aliexpress >>8897809
Pricecheck >>8934168
Coord help >>8936569
Dreamdresses >>8898845
CoF thread >>8935366
Otome-kei >>8869640
Draw thread >>8923990
364 posts and 31 images omitted

Lolita general

No.8931798 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Take Lockshop down edition
Old thread: >>8927819

Bodyline >>8921303
Dream dresses >>8898845
B/S/T >>8894518
Draw thread >>8923990
Online comms >>8898148
Local comms >>8923929
CoF >>8924003
Coord help >>8889992
Handmade >>8879353
Brolitas >>8873063
Plus-size >>8920923
Good Friday coords >>8927956
Hime/Royal >>8902651
Classic >>8924316
Punk >>8905594
Oldschool >>8923755
Themed wardrobes >>8914687
Ita >>8925739
369 posts and 22 images omitted

Dirty little secrets (/cgl/ confession thread!)

No.8920817 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Share the dirt.

I tend to kinda live through people i find interesting or/and get kinda obsessed with them..?
Like to the point where if i find someone interesting enough i'll make a list of their wardrobe,have some pics of
them on my private photobucket i call my "stalker" photobucket
Sometimes some girls seems to have such cool lives (in Lunie's case she is pretty,rich,cute,big wardrobe,..) and i just feel like my life is so boring compared to them.

I used to be obsessed with kotakoti, then Lunie Chan,.. I mean i was so obsessed with kota i knew what she said on some videos by heart and when i did my hair and makeup in front
of the mirror or got dressed up i would be pretending to be a "famous living doll', dancing around on some of the music she used. Searched her house address when it got leaked to see what it looked like and to catch maybe a glimpse of
her kawaii room. Yeah, pretty creepy.

For Lunie i just got through every single one of her livejournal entries.

For another (not famous) girl i just obsessively stalked her twitter and instagram, even using tweet tunnel to see when she was
still into lolita. And got sad when she deleted her old lolita blog and i couldn't access it from the wayback machine

Also another girl that used to be into lolita (now she totally changed), and i stalked old blogs of her, old videos she was in,old things she wrote...

I really need more excitment in my life and it's kind of like...the only way to get it? By reviving old things. That and drama. But even then the drama i knew and loved was from 2012
325 posts and 31 images omitted

No.6401178 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
please tell me I am not the only one who's sick of this girl, cgl. And I feel sort of bad because who knows, she's probably nice. But this goddamn tumblr trend of acting like a "kawaii toddler nya~" is even more frustrating than the living doll one.
144 posts and 15 images omitted

Britfag/UK thread

No.8886059 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Brit thread: "The Falklands Are Ours" Edition

Guide to upcoming conventions
432 posts and 41 images omitted

No.7616701 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I've been anticipating the release of kamui cosplay's new book for a while and now that it's out was wondering if anyone has a link to share to the pdf?

Surely it's somewhere on the web by now

link to book, she has some others too that i would love
214 posts and 7 images omitted

Con Snacks!

No.8921411 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I was curious as to what everyone's go-to snack was for conventions? If you're just sitting around and not really ready for a meal yet, what do you eat to get tide you over or energize you until then?

I personally go for granola bars, but they're a bit messy and not too great for eating around a convention center. Crumbs on a cosplay are not cute.
70 posts and 9 images omitted