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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 77

No.8921663 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What can you cosplay as if you're ugly as shit?
11 posts and 2 images omitted

Mail thread!

No.6927082 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post things you ordered or just got in the mail!
310 posts and 100 images omitted

Cosplay Trends

No.8888922 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Facebook fan pages, selling prints, and now patreon. What do you think the next money grabbing, attention whoring trend will be in the cosplay community?
38 posts and 4 images omitted

protip: lying about sexual harassment is bad for your karma.

No.8917540 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ATTN: beware of the cosplayer Lauren Faits and her blog Chicago Geek Girl. pic related.

so basically, this photographer Ronald Ladao has been working for the midwest conventions for years. he's a nice guy. this chick he was friends with for over a decade (until a month ago when she sold him out for more attention on her blog lol) accused him of breaking into a hotel room where she was changing, "rushing in with a camera, attempting to get nude photos and/or video of underage cosplayers." she even goes so far as to call him a "criminal harasser" for it. the entire article is just pure slander. the photographer's reputation is ruined, until by a stroke of luck, a month later he finds video footage of the exact incident 13 years ago and it turns out to be veryyy different from what Lauren had described. check out the links and see for yourself.
37 posts and 3 images omitted


No.8566569 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>anna cosplay
>good or not?
have more pics
45 posts and 8 images omitted

No.8150683 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I want to do katazome resist dyeing for my next project. Sadly I can't find Komon Nuka anywhere. I tried John Marshal but he said it was no longer produced. He suggested deoiled bran. Anyone have any decent distributors in the US or alternatives?
Pic related