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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 157

No.150009273 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am an Ex-Muslim but I feel much more comfortable dealing with individuals from other Muslim countries, whether they're actually believers or not. I tend to mistrust people from non-Muslim backgrounds, and I end up interacting with them in a very formal and cold manner.
Do any ex-muslim bros share the same experience?

Why are the white race such cucks?

No.42670618 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You guys bitch and moan about the end of the white race. As an Asian, fuck you guys. You have an inferior intellect and the most decadent and corrupt society on the planet. Your race deserves to end. The white race is dying out because it is inferior. Why can't you retarded whites get this through your tiny Europid brains?
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No.148957839 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I just made $88.00 after working for 8 hours at my fast food job (11 bucks an hour is the pay).

What do you do for a living and how much do you make?
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Why did China help Vietnam reunify their country?

No.149934025 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
China should've just blockaded the North Vietnamese and let most of Vietnam remain conquered by America.

Giving support and supplies to North vietnam to help reunify the entire country together was a big mistake. Vietnam should've stayed partitioned in half.
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No.90415182 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Are you ready for trade war?
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This man is the Moses of Hong Kong

No.149930744 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This man, Nathan Law, one of the leaders of the Hong Kong democracy protest movement against China, is the Moses of Hongkong fighting for the freedom of his people.

Although Nathan Law now lives in London, UK - after fleeing Hong Kong after the national security crackdown by the CCP. He now leads the way for potentially up to 5 million Hong Kong residents to flee to the Promised Land of Great Britain.

Millions of Hongkongers will follow Nathan their leader in a mass exodus out of the oppressions of China where in Britain they will build a new community built on freedom and liberty - fighting the evils of communism.

Why are American women like this?

No.149898759 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.11829723 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
> Greece – The Greek government has announced that it will shut down the radio and TV services of the state broadcaster ERT. This could inhibit their participation in the 2014 contest.[33]

> Kazakhstan – Kazakhstan is negotiating to join the European Broadcasting Union; should they join the EBU in time they may be eligible to compete in the 2014 contest.[34]

> Kosovo – Kosovo's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Petrit Selimi told the Swedish television programme Korrespondenterna that he thought Kosovo would be granted EBU membership and acceptance into the Eurovision in time for the 2014 edition.[35][36] However, Kosovo has yet to be recognized as an independent country by the International Telecommunications Union, which is a requirement for full membership in the EBU.[37]

Should Kosovo be allowed to enter?
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/lat/ hilo latino

No.141936350 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
hilo anime (magi)
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/fr/ - Le fil qui parle français

No.79078540 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Édition porte-avions nucléaire Charles de Gaulle
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