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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 165

DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2639

No.147220245 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
DJT is the best Japanese language learning vtuber shitposting thread on 4chan for むっつりスケベ共 that are interested in everything Japanese (no politics >>>/pol/)
Japanese speakers learning English are also welcome

How to stay healthy:

The only way to learn 日本語:
1.Filter all tripfags
2.Don't waste time/money on ゴミ like:
-英語 youtube channels, shitty apps, Genki, Imabi, RTK, KKLC, Kanji Damage, Wanikani, Duolingo, Bunpro, Kodansha, Tobira, whatever you're using, language schools, Italki, AJATT, JLPT, Kanji Kentei tests and many other scams
-Awful anki decks (only 2k/6k from the OP and a simple yomichan mining deck are ok)
-You shouldn't spend more than 1-2 hours on Anki as a beginner and 20 minutes max after a few months, spamming easy is fine, Anki is only good at the start
-Pitch accent doesn't exist (you can say words however you want )
-Learning how to write on paper (you can do it later once you're decent at Japanese)
Avoiding these beginner traps will cut down your learning time considerably to less than 2 years if you learn every day and never give up. After that it's just enjoying the language and the content while fortifying your knowledge and occasionally learning something new.
3.Spend a few days getting familiar with kanas
4.A few months of Anki 2k/6k vocabulary and Tae Kim grammar while reading/watching something easy (you should wait max 0-1 month before starting any serious reading/watching)
5.A few years of reading, listening, watching vtubers, shitposting in /djt/ and having your posts corrected by Japanese flags, googling stuff you don't know and you're done!
6.Move to Japan
7.The ride never ends


先スレ >>147114385
327 posts and 94 images omitted

No.147199631 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>m*rius sp*x
>Connection terminated
Westbros we got too cocky!
11 posts omitted

No.147197163 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Brazilian Kallinny Maia is kidnapped and raped countless times by rapist released by the justice system 5 months ago
6 posts and 1 image omitted

Europeans are taught in school Colonialism and Imperialism

No.135336768 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
was a net-negative for them and they suffered heavy losses.

7 posts and 2 images omitted


No.147120464 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/nederdraad/ smoke sessie
Spuug een paar barretjes en pass die djonko door
321 posts and 41 images omitted

Why thirdies are thirdies

No.147036433 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A major reason why the "Western model" of capitalism does not work for most nations outside of Europe is because of the fact that the average non-Western citizen does not value or cherish the ideas like scientific temper, spirit of inquiry, reform or the risk taking ability to explore new ideas and challenge old institutions.

In fact, in the West too this did not come immediately. It was the Renaissance and Enlightenment that drove Westerners against their religious institutions. On the other hand, in most of the world, questioning religious authority still has many practical repercussions. Take India for example. If you are a Muslim and question your Imam's instructions you will be attacked, mocked or killed even. If you're a Hindu, you will also suffer the same fate, although instead of being killed you might be beaten up. Most people are extremely irrationally superstitious. Most Indians will not cut their hair on certain days of the week or eat meat on those days because of a belief that the position of Mars and Saturn are unfavourable to fate and therefore one must abstain from pleasures (like eating meat) on those days. In China, many eat pangolins and all kinds of weird animals as part of TCM. They also don't have the fourth floor on buildings due to some esoteric belief associating 4 with death. Muslims believe that you have been possesed by the "djinn" when in reality the person is either having psychological malfunction or a serious problem like a brain tumor. Africa has its own ideas with voodoo magic. From what I know Eastern Europe until very recently has been extremely religious. Although they are Westernizing fast.
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No.139794218 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
are italian american women look like this???
22 posts and 10 images omitted

Sverigetråden - Kate Beckinsale-upplagan

No.85786999 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
449 posts and 151 images omitted

No.146803242 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Will i get shot if i go to brazil?
>Brazil is latin america
>Sayuri Mattar
>Lula Livre
>Stop burning the Amazon
>Range ban Brazil
>Brazil is black and proud
>Brazil was never prosperous
>Will Brazil ever be a superpower?
>Come to Brazil
>Wow do brazilians really take wired showers?!!
>South brazil is white
>Brazil had such a potential
>Why are you guys all mixed ?
>Fuck i hate Brazil
>Is Bolsonaro the next hitler?
>Brazilian Japanese
>Brazil is a very segregated country
>Brazilians truly believe they invented the airplane lol
>Brazil flag is so ugly
>South brazil is part of argentina
>Nordeste is violent
>Rio is a shithole
>Brazil homicide graph compared to other countries
>Brazilian is so funny
>Brazilian Trannies are so hot
>Tell me a good place to visit in Brazil
>Brazilian german cities are tourist trap
>Favelas are Sovl
>Tropa de Elite
>Cidade de Deus
>Brazilian women love foreigner man
>Why are all Brazilians presidents white?!
>US coup destroyed Brazil
>Brazil 1x7 Germany
>This is the average brazilian
>Funk is just like reggaeton
>Why don't they speak spanish?
>4k walk
>How white is brazil?
>Brazilian cuisine
>Brazil is a shithole
>Brazil is America future