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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 170

No.145636996 View ViewReplyOriginalReport


No.145618178 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
طبعة لايمكنك ان تعاني في السعودية
336 posts and 107 images omitted

No.145480444 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Japan - Baseball
>India - Cricket
>China - Table tennis
Why do Asians tend to obsess over niche sports?
14 posts and 6 images omitted

No.53163763 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Australians are waking up
11 posts and 3 images omitted

No.145596571 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>in Canada, if you want to fly, you have to pay extra insurance in case you die from covid

Does this happen in your country?

No.145560471 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>post succesful!
159 posts and 119 images omitted

/lang/ - language learning general

No.126005266 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Fuck /int/ coomers and shitposters edition

>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:

Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages:!x4VG3DRL!lqecF4q2ywojGLE0O8cu4A

Lots of books on linguistics of various kinds, as well as language courses:!Ad8DkLoI!jj_mdUDX_ay-8D9l3-DbnQ

Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides: (embed)

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:

List of trackers for most language learning packs:

MEGA archive with language torrents:

Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from (embed)

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
Yes, if it helps you destroy /int/ coomers and shitposters
>What is the most useful language?
Whichever helps you destroy /int/ coomers and shitposters
>What language should I learn?
Whichever helps you destroy /int/ coomers and shitposters

Last thread >>125939003
Last challenge >>125941015
139 posts and 18 images omitted

No.145404382 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
We need a new KHAN who will conquer our women and increase the birthrates
17 posts and 2 images omitted


No.145387047 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/desi/ - desi desu

Invited: India, Pakistan, Afghanist*n, Bangladesh, Nepal

Not invited: Afghanist*n.
332 posts and 43 images omitted

No.128806154 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Jomon girls are look exactly like a anime , if we put colorful hair and colorful eyes.
87 posts and 37 images omitted