>>142571409>Yes the EU is so undemocratic it lets one of its biggest member states leaveAnd gets all pissy about it like a highschool slut lmao.
>Not to mention that Scandinavian countries are constantly ranked as the most democratic countries on earth. By who? Some other "democratic" institution circle-jerking each other?
Nobody in Sweden decides anything. It doesn't matter what party you vote for, that's been empirically proven that the policies will be the same and decided by Brussels bureaucrats. Not only is democracy overrated but most countries claiming to be democratic aren't even close. The idiots who posture about it are often the worst. And what's a Swedish zoomer doing larping as an ideologue on the internet while also being xenophobic lmao? The cognitive dissonance must be unreal.
>LMAO AGAIN THE SAME COPEIt's not a cope, it's your sad reality. And you're triggered again))
>Russia still has the 2nd most homicides in Europe.And how fucking retarded do you have to be to think that a democracy will somehow magically fix that lol?
https://www.statista.com/statistics/1045368/homicide-rate-in-russia/These are our homicide rates over the last couple of decades. Notice where they're the highest? That's when we had a democracy.
>Hope you enjoy your slave wage and crumbling infrastructure too mate!I come from a family of competent business owners so I'll be just fine. Enjoy your government issued cuckshed and bihourly BVLL milkings)
>>142571501Then your boomers are right