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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 178

ITT: Languages that look absolutely disgusting in print

No.91267860 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'll start

flashcard software and other language-learning computer tools

No.132192417 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
does anyone here have experience using flashcard software or something of the like? i wanted to keep track of newly-learned words and was going to use a txt file, but then it crossed my mind that there might exist something specialised for this. have any anons here ever made use of anything like this? if so, i'd like to hear from you. the question isn't limited particularly to flashcards, they're simply what spurred me on, i'd love to hear about any other kind of computer language-learning tools you guys might've availed yourselves of in the past. thank you in advance
janny spare the thread, please, i was gonna post this on /wsr/, but i figured /int/ might have more wisdom to offer in the language department

Guess which is American

No.141738349 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
...and which is French.
6 posts and 1 image omitted

2 girls murdered

!TABCp8LMCM No.142064073 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
These two girls will be brutally beaten and slaughtered
7 posts and 2 images omitted

! TRIGGER WARNING ! Chocolate ahead !

No.142017590 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
1. your country.
2. is chocolate considered offensive in your country?

It's mostly okay but it can be highly offensive in some regions.

No.142011876 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Our Prime Minister is trying to sell our country to World Economics for some reason.
Does this also happen in your country?
44 posts and 8 images omitted

No.141917223 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What's the dating scene like in you're country?
>sexual market bubble going strong
>no hope for regular guys at all
66 posts and 8 images omitted

No.141916296 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Would you let your daughter marry a somalian? My cousin is dating one and my uncle and his friends are going to beat him with a bat next week after he leaves his job...
10 posts and 1 image omitted

No.141943177 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>all of NATO went to korea to westernize koreans
>this resulted in kpop cancer and plastic surgery from korean inferiority complex

culture and raising children

No.140903197 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>open vertical webm
>it's some y-toid girl moving in a retarded way thinking she can "dance"
>just to show her ass and tits if she has any
>face is behind endless makeup and blown out lighting to hide all features
>likely wearing a wig as well
are fathers in the west not allowed to raise their daughters anymore? are they all "raised" by single moms?