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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 18
Is it normal to date a 18 year old woman as a 24 year old man in your country? Asking for a friend. Im legit autistic in social situations so i don't understand.
>>153668350 That's what based soyjacks i fucking love science do you dumbfuck, that's why Tinder that killed your sexlife exists.
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>>153658272 I would not call it normal, but it definitely happens. I think you can't get a definitive answer because it depends on the behaviour of the 18 y.o.. As long as the mental level is not that different it will be ok I guess
>>153658272 >Is it normal to date a 18 year old woman as a 24 year old man in your country? 18 is a bit old, most 18year old girls have already a long sexual history. Go for it if you want used goods but it would be ideal to date a 14yo girl which is completely normal here but sadly the younger the girl the higher her value so there is more competition and it is a lot harder than older bitches
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>>153669505 what the fuck are you talking about damn germany
is this really funny to Russian people? is their sense of humor really this childish?
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>>153651070 >>153642889 >this nigga got knocked out by a sock Anonymous
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>>153646444 What kek huh? He's cia shill?
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>>153635130 watched the entire thing and didn't crack a smile once. this was painfully unfunny
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>>153646142 Russians are bro tier. They can appropriate my religion and culture all they want. Rest whypipo should be cancelled.
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Hilarious. Tom and Jerry tier comedy
in a matter of 6 months they bought a camping car because of the corona effect, they built a useless 20m2 veranda that cost like 10k euros in our house and just this weekend they bought two stupid eletric bikes at 2000€ the piece … these are just few examples does this happen in your cunt ? i will be left with nothing at this rate.
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>>154630630 >>154630657 >>154630981 it's a loan on the fathers estate, if you want to keep the house/land you need to settle the debt
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>>154632210 retard the parents are still alive, it's not inheritance until they're dead
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>>154629810 I still leach of my parents for housing and food at the age of 28 so I feel like I can't complain, they also takes me on a yearly holiday vacation abroad. Thinking about becoming a rent cuck in the future though
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why are firstoids like this
Were the Gauls actually Celtic? It seems like they were just northern meds who were more or less italics living in a more northerly and wetter environment Franks are a meme too. they weren’t actually Germanic. They were predominantly Gallic with a strong Salian and Ripuarian Germanic influence Also there was no such thing as Iron Age Belgian and Northern French. They were probably all somewhere in between "Celtic" and Germanic in identity and material culture to begin with
>>154533945 italics and celts are cousins, also to be a celt living in a wet environment isnt a requirement lol, celtiberians were true celts and lived in the dry spanish central steppes
>>154535908 that clusters more to other iberians, and not at all to anyone near that area? Basques are the original inhabitants of western europe (neolithic peoples).
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>>154536142 >celtiberians were true celts Celtiberian literally means the descendants of Basque women who were raped Gaulish men from Northern Italy
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>>154536190 They aren't the original but okay
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>>154533945 >Were the Gauls actually Celtic? They literally spoke a celtic language anon.
Celts are the ultimate losers identity. They even inhabited Anatolia in the past and now no one speaks their language
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Happy Diwali Sir edition.
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Somebody make a Diwali edition
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>>154484841 Indian subcontinent barely had anyone with light eyes or hair. Anyone with those feature is most likely either the descendant of later Greek or Turk invasions or the descendant of conquered Scythian women in case of Punjab.
>>154485071 This map is literally the Saka kingdom, the one formed after Maurya defeated the Greeks, and is barely related to the one from 6th century BC. Their kings were heavily Indic, and the languages heavily sanskrit/prakrit.
Read your own links before posting.
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>>154485071 >indocentric >rejecting /pol/ tier claims and writing actually modern historian citings is now indocentric Anonymous
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>>154485652 replying in new thread and the Saka are Scythians, Scythian is the greek name for Sakas, occuring first in Herodotu's histories, the Indian and Persian texts calls them Saka
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Uhhh Chicanosbros? Why all the faggotry?
>>154368389 try again
just look for xolotl
>He was also god of twins, monsters, misfortune, sickness, and deformities all of them to be sacrificed in unholy ways
cuiloni, the aztec insult for faggots, actually means something like: waste of life
Midwest Mexican
always cute seeing whitecels cope in the most pathetic ways. >muh heckin NBC survey says yeah nigga the okcupid surveys also say blacks are the least desired race
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>>154368480 to be fair, I'm pretty sure all races are gay at a similar level. Whites were the first ones to push for its widespread acceptance THOUGH
>>154368456 >cuiloni, the aztec insult for faggots, actually means something like: waste of life VGH.. the deep rooted homophobia of México..
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>>154368514 almost, but if you didnt knew the aztecs died and the heathens got to live
Some of the best posters around, they're so chill you'd think they're zen masters behind the keyboard. Now I'm pissed at that Nigel Whatsmecalled loser from the Brexit thing for having called them a non-country, fuck off, from now on I will defend my Belgiumbros with my life.
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they are just ashamed of Leopold 2 crimes
>one sand nigger blowing an other >>154792785 Do we genuinely have to kill every last one of you shitskins?
>>154793715 Over my dead body, Mika Perkele
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>>154793867 Notice how the sand nigger scrammed?
So much for shitskin solidarity
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Why does every asian male have beef with whites when only 5% of whites are attracted to asian roasties? I thought you guys were supposed to be high IQ
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>>154934947 t. Ghengis 'Temujin' Khan
>>154934837 NMRare dödar ju främst andra NMRare så känner mig trygg
>>154935380 Då svävar du i grov fara med tanke på att du låtsas vara vit hela tiden
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>>154935502 Vitare än dig Genhis
Why Hong Kong people hate Indians?
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>>176558861 Yet they still don't hold a candle to black or latino gangs here. Canadians don't suffer. Your crime rate is still pretty low even among your worst
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>>176556640 I love Indians but I cannot afford to meet one.
Fuckin fancy software geeks.
Also this website is deranged in its anti Indian sentiment
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>>176558015 Your fault for accepting the khalistani and muslims type
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>>176556964 No they don't, not yet at least, but the westoids seems to prep Indians as the next big bad and I don't know why they're doing it.
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>>176561711 both parties support immigration, and Biden isnt running. Youve been duped
>go on japanese twitter >see constant shit flinging about LGBT issues even though japanese are usually apolitical Why do trannies and homos cause so much division in society?
>>181988497 yes? have you ever spoken to a japanese person ?
>>181988464 Why do you hate Indians so much. Your hatred is insane.
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>>181988556 I realize you live in a society where everyone immediately tells strangers about their retarded political opinions, but Just because they're reserved about openly expressing their political opinions doesn't mean they're apolitical
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>>181988590 You know everyone else on this board would advocate for your violent death if you identified yourself by your race, cow piss drinker