>>139749189Shit just as I was going to post it was fucking archived.
Not him but let's see:
During the Inca Empire and the early colony they self-identified in hundreds of ethnicities, some still remain and people still identify as such, like Wanka, Chanka, K'ana, etc.
Then in the colony, many native people began to identify as "runa", that being the word for "person" in Runa-Simi (the Quechua word for the Quechua language), however in the colony it acquired a new meaning as "indigenous person", Spanish people couldn't be "runa", however the use of that word for self-identification purposes has basically faded out.
After the independence, they were simply labeled as indios by the government but some president decided the word was too offensive so they changed it to campesinos (peasants).
Nowadays they might use the word Quechua because that's what everyone calls them, they could also they are like Quechua-Chanka, Quechua-Apurimeño, etc, or simply say they are Chanka, etc., others simply say they are campesinos, serranos, or indigenous.