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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 191
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>Canadian "culture"
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ate my own cum again
>>133225291 >Hate to say it but I've got an attractive, 6 inch cock self measurements are unreliable though. we need a designated person in charge of measuring. you can measure mine and report it to the group so it doesn't seem like bragging~
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didn't mean to quote
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>>133225386 You're definitely onto something here
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There was a sewage cleaning near my commieblock and for some mysterious fucking reason they decided to dump all the shit in the nearby bushes instead of taking it away. It smells like hell and police told me to fuck off and said it's non of their business. It's 4 a.m. and I can't fall asleep because of that. Fuck this country and fuck slavs, I want to kill myself.
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>>94944987 Ahhh pour american How come we slavs didn't halp (kill )you yet ? And welcomed you ? With our traditions
What's your address ? Let me halp I will call my brothers from tornado brigada wil halp you ;)
Хa-хa-хa (oни eгo cтo пpoцeнтoв изнacилoвaют )
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>>94954166 It's for australiens.
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>>94945341 they went edgy suddenly
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Thank's for help, ests!
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I still remember the smell
what is your wish for the new year? mine is for a gf(male) I want a femboy
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>>136744163 seems pretty useful thamks
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A real pandemic, one that wipes 3/4 of global population. or mass extinction event.
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>>136743488 I don't really wish for anything, I just want to stay awake long enough to make fun of Americans for living in 2020 when I'll be in 2021.
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in the real world, everyone is mean and doesn't want to talk to me. nobody lives with me or cares about how im doing. but at work, I'm the man! everyone is always happy to see me, I get along very well, we go drinking afterwards and i feel like a human being. people say I shouldn't let work become my life, but why shouldn't I when the rest of it is just lonely as humiliating?
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lmao at provaxxers seething im not even against vaccines, but am not going to be vaccinated solely to fuck with you paranoid retards who believe world will end unless we embrace big pharma as our lord and saviour>muh government will mark me and? you think i give a shit, they are free to paint an X on my forehead if it gives them comfort, still gonna go everywhere and coof at people>muh smallpox pictures with a ton of toxic pimples lmao diseases and death exist, deal with it, just have more kids and some of them are bound to survive i literally dont care about you pro vaxxer homosexual bootlickers one bit or about your fake threats OH NO 2000 EURO FINE HOW ON EARTH AM I GONNA SURVIVE!? lmfao
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I would have taken the vaccine if the government wasn't so anal about it. Now I'm not going to take it, just out of spite.
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>>136661664 >letting COVID roam free, This has no cost, in fact it'd be better if some boomers died and we didn't have to pay for them.
It was the governments who restricted everything, killed the economy and now blame you.
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>>136660821 I've already had corona and have anti-bodies. I'm completely fine.
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Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be blackmailed to take it, from a virus so deadly you have to get tested to know you have it. I don't care still not taking it. I don't need it.
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retard glownigger jannies deleting the only interesting threads
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Number of cases, deaths and infected countries has doubled since yesterday.
>>117157078 so? even it was 3 million out of 1.5 BILLIONS its hardly a big deal.
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The US air force killed 20,000 Chinese civilians during WW2
Bombing of Wuhan >One week before Christmas in 1944, nearly 200 American planes raided the Chinese city of Wuhan. >Thousands of Chinese lives were lost in this incident, which has received very little attention in the intervening decades. >LeMay was pleased, declaring this his first experience with firebombing as a tactical weapon to be a successful experiment. >According to casualty statistics compiled by Hankou city in 1946, more than 20,000 were killed or injured, 7,515 buildings were bombed. >Compared with Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing, Tianjin and Qingdao, the destruction in Wuhan was considerably worse. Anonymous
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>>117159299 It’s not Chinese lives that I care about, they infect other countries and my country is already on the list.
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>>117157755 Yeah bud I'm sure this virus is really a threat to you. Y'know it's not like this is literally the scenario that every health agency around the globe is most prepared for and shit. Fuckers like you dont realize that the real global health threat is multidrug resistant bacteria infiltrating the food supply.
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>>117157267 oh no no no no
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people begged and paid for this?
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>>136321180,2 I take it back.
They are just doing their job.
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i got banned for that? fuck you janny
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why would you post this trash who the fuck cares
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I suffer in the EU
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>I suffer in Europe
>>136097752 C'mon that's way too white to be a Türk
t. Nafri rapebaby
>>136097938 Are you also going to say that Knajjd is too white?
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>>136098126 who the fuck are you? i'm knajjd, discord is knajjd#8085. i'm curious. you're not some gay infiltrator over on , are you?
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>>136282777 Checked, based Milenko
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jannies deleting threads for no reason
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Why a cute boy can still be cute with long hair but a cute girl can't with short hair (most of the times)? Is it a cultural thing? Also in your cunt?
>>136279717 that's partly true but any girl who looks good with short hair will ALWAYS look better with longer hair.
Short hair = one or two points down in attractiveness.
She's ugly because of the dyke pigface.
>>136279717 >>136279805 >Short hair = one or two points down in attractiveness. Some men look way better with long hair. I know 0 girls that would look better with short hair.
>>136279822 She'd be probably cute with long hair.
>>136279971 >Some men look way better with long hair. I know 0 girls that would look better with short hair. that's exactly my point you imbecile
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>>136280211 I was agreeing with you