>>133669144Not even exaggerating, Semites are a completely different race from Italians let alone anything more northward-shifted
And it has nothing to do with pigmentation, Italians have plenty individuals that are darker than Middle Easterners
Their stratum corneum structure, skin texture and its evolutionary function, epidermis, anatomical/cranial/general anthropometric measurements, all are as remote as two subraces of the same conspecific race can get
The cherrypicked minority of Iranics and Indo-Aryans can indeed look somewhat Europid due to an apparent Aryan strain with Sintashta input, but those are still extreme outliers that serve as examples of racial remnants, unrepresentative of the average population
All of these are indifferent to a layman and people lacking common sense for the rigid physical realities of racialism, but to anyone remotely familiarized with physical anthropology, the most depigmented Levatine Arab remnant of Crusaders, Slavic concubines or Balkan settlers under the former Ottoman Empire sticks out like a sore thumb
Truth is that most people too are indeed very racialist subconsciously, and base it upon physical and aesthetic differences, only the New world and modern western Europe may be an exception since you are by default mystery meat
Tribal, atavistic racial hatred is very real and alive