I left islam because of the barbaric practices, the moral loopholes, and the fact that a god could exist, but due to the laws of nature it is not logically possible for them to be omnipotent/omniscient, and therefore falliable.Islam, christianity, and Judaism, all force their people to follow their falliable gods.Ahura Mazda makes it clear that all humans should be given the choice to commit good deeds or bad, follow his rules or not. This teaching has gone so far, that modern day zoroastrians refuse to convert others to their faith...If I was born zoroastrian, I would have come to this conclusion and never left, because Ahura Mazda doesnt force me to do anything. I think I have finally found the answer to whether I would want to follow a falliable god, and the answer is yes, if he gives me the freedom to make choices in life and ultimately provide me with salvation if I have not lived a life upto standard. I would wholeheartedly follow Such a god.
From this day, I declare myself a Mazdayasna, a worshiper of Ahura Mazda. The god of light the god of good. I will light a fire in the stove and take an oath. I extend an invitation to any who would like to join me. I have presented my arguements, though I do not think I can elaborate within the character limit.If you think they are sound, please, come with me, for my campfire has many to warm their nihilism ravaged souls. Good thoughts, Good words, Good deeds T_T ^_^ T_T