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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 195

English tourist killed during robbery in Argentina

No.115412137 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Argentina why you do this? Is "Puerto Madero" a ghetto area?
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No.81676049 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I won't bore /int/ with the specifics, but HOLY SHIT, Italians are ignorant. I was told that "Italians never eat alone" and I made a mistake of eating alone in one of their restaurants. The man asked what I wanted in Italian and I responded "Pizza di ... pepperoni?". Since I'm in Italy, I want the real shit.

He slapped the back of my neck as hard AS HE COULD and said "PAY-PAY-RONEEEEEE, PAY-PAY-RONEEE?"

I'll leave it at that, I wanted to clock that motherfucker in the jaw.

Another time, I was minding my own fucking business and an elderly man approached me and he was pointing to his wrist. I didn't understand what he was saying, but I eventually understood he wanted me to adjust his watch for him. When I told him I don't understand Italian that well, but am more than happy to adjust his watch, he said "AMERICANO ... GO OUT..... AMERICANO? GO OUT TO HERE!"

You just politely try to eat by yourself, they're cocksuckers, you politely try to an elderly person, they're cocksuckers, that's all there is to it.
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No.134497026 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Your country
>Do you use and love the letter H?
Let's get an H thread going
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No.115660826 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport


Dunkirk : Two "new Frenchmen" tortured a kitten in a microwave, live on Snapchat
In this video, two "youngsters" are forcing the two-month-old animal into a running microwave.

"The kitten scratches on the walls, you can hear it screaming in pain," explains Michel Vanwaefelghem, director of the SPA in Dunkirk. (Note : SPA being an association for animal protection).
In this 20 seconds sequence, the kitten is struggling and screaming in the microwave. Throughout the video, the "youngsters" are hilarious.
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No.134739302 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>1st gen Ethiopian
>born and raised in America
>go to good private schools growing up.
>never even think about racism
>transfer to public for hs
>People are crudely and openly racist
>think it's not a big deal. I can just ignore it
>discover hate sites and uncensored internet spheres
>realize how strongly people actually feel about Africans even if they don't say it out loud
>realize that I don't mind living in America but that it will never truly be home as it wasn't built for me
>2010s continue. Racial tension becomes unignorable
>can see the weariness and anger growing in peoples' eyes
>realize it could lead to the worst thing possible
>End of uni decide that I'm going to move to my parents' home country
>It begins to decay because of ethnic tension
>It's now on the brink of bloody Yugo style race war
>If it doesn't balkanize this time it likely will in the near future

Does this happen in your c*nt?
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No.134742732 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Guess the country.
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No.133079995 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What did the japanese mean by this?
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No.134721776 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
back to >>>/pol/ incels
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No.134692644 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.134294911 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Okay which one of you insufferable autists made a "George Floyd Gaming" channel on YouTube?
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